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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Admittedly Messi was a little guilty of this in the match against Arsenal, in general I think he does his best to stay on his feet and if he does go down, he usually gets up without much fuss. Messi is certainly the best player about just now but I don't think you can really make the best ever comparisons until after or at least in the latter years of his career. He is a joy to watch though, I've been lucky enough to see him play a few times at Camp Nou and it's certainly a different experience than watching Mackie at Pittodrie!
  2. Arcade Fire - Funeral Beach Boys - Pet Sounds Cure - Disintegration Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca Elliot Smith - either / Or Frightened rabbit - Midnight Organ Fight Gorrilaz - Plastic Beach Hives - Tyranasaurus Hives Interpol - turn on the bright lights jj - jj n 2 Knife - Silent Shout Liars - drums not dead M.I.A - Kala Neutral Milk Hotel - In the aeroplane over the sea Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, You are the destroyer Panda Bear - Person Pitch Queens of the stone age - Songs for the deaf Radiohead - Kid A Silver Jews - American Water Tom Waits - Rain Dogs U Velvet Underground - VU & Nico White Stripes - White Blood Cells XX - The xx Yo la tengo - I can hear the heart beating as one Z
  3. Arsenal must be pretty happy, probably should have lost 8-2 but got a draw and Puyol and Pique will miss the second leg. Milito and Marquez really aren't up to the same level. Although I still fancy Barca to progress.
  4. Chelsea are already out of the Champions League!
  5. Looking forward to the news albums by Liars and jj but probably M.I.A most of all. And Radiohead if they get one out this year.
  6. Ive never understood all the love for "Spiderland", always sounded pretty dull to me.
  7. Nice little tour..shame youre not making it to Spain though...
  8. Sonic Youth playing Daydream Nation and Brian Wilson doing Smile are two of my favourite gigs. In an Aeroplane over the Sea was a good shout, Id love to see that. It would be awesome if Sonic Youth decided to do an Evol tour next.
  9. I forgot about the Arctic Monkeys and JJ, their albums would definitely be in my top 10. Fanfarlo and Pheonix are out.
  10. Primavera is going to be awesome! And even better since the venue is less than half an hour from my flat!
  11. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca St. Vincent - Actor Atlas Sound - Logos Fever Ray - S/T Girls - Album Grizzly Bear - Veckatimist The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - S/T Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix Fanfarlo - Reservoir
  12. YouTube - flaming lips : watching the planets (live on the tonight show with Conan O'Brien 10.13.2009)
  13. This album is awesome. Such a great suprise to since I wasnt expecting much after the disappointing "At War with the Mystics". Any other fans?
  14. Nolan should never get back in the Premiership. Any Bolton fans I know think he's crap and would be raging if he did go back.
  15. I'd suggest 'Cat's Cradle', it's possibly my favourite of his. Out of the two you have your eye on, go for 'Breakfast of Champions' it's great while 'Timequake' is probably his weakest novel imo.
  16. I read that quite recently, it's awesome. The other stories are as good as the first so you have some good reading to look forward to . The past couple of weeks I've been re-reading a few of my favourite novels, just finished One Hundred Years of Solitude and The Great Gatsby. Reading A confederacy of Dunces just now.
  17. I have a horrible feeling that Man U will win tonight Hopefully Im wrong and Barca win and get the treble they deserve. And it will be an incredible celebration tonight if they do. (I live in Barcelona). INIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESTA!
  18. The internet has made this the best decade for music. Everyone can hear so much more than they had the chance to before.
  19. I also found season five slightly disappointing on first watch and it is definitely my least favourite of the five. However when I watched it the second time I found it to be stronger than I had first thought. The last couple of episodes are fantastic however, up there with the very best of any season and they really do finish the whole show off in the best way possible. I think season five would have been no worse if it had just had those extra 2 or 3 episodes the other seasons had. It would have allowed the journalist characters to be developed more and for the homeless serial killer plot to progress more believably.
  20. This album gets better and better each time I listen to it. There are too many good songs to choose a favourite. Although Im not sure if there are any which are up there with my top AC tracks.
  21. I'm happy this thread took a turn after some of the horrible opening posts.
  22. Was down at Hamilton today. F'ing terrible!
  23. I've never seen them live and unfortunately I'll be in Barcelona when they play Glasgow next month. Some of the live vids on youtube are great though.
  24. Animal Collective's new album has recently leaked. Anyone else listened to it yet? It's absolutely awesome. I'm not sure if I think it's their best yet, but it is definitely their most consistent and best flowing record. 2009 has already got a better album that any from 2008 and it's not even started yet!!!
  25. Suprised there isn't a thread about this already. BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Pope attacks blurring of gender What an arse.
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