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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. "He's sent the keeper the wrong way!" "These are fake arms!!!"
  2. I picked that up recently too, super cheap in one up I also got Deerhunter - Microcastle / Weird Era cont. which I'd had on my computer for a while. Plus The Stooges - S/T & Funhouse
  3. I'll support the Why? reccomendation, I haven't heard elephant eyelash but Alopecia was one of my top albums of the year. To be honest after hearing 'Thou shalt always kill' for the first time and thinking it was great I quickly got bored of the song, by the time the album came around I only heard really bad opinions of it so I never bothered checking it out. It also got some of the worst reviews I've ever read! Might check out some of the other tracks mentioned in this thread though since it seems to be quite popular here.
  4. 1. Tv on the Radio - Dear Science 2. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes 3. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular 4. Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward 5. Tokyo Police Club - Elephant Shell 6. Deerhunter - Microcastle 7. The Last Shadow Puppets - Age of the Understatement 8. We are Scientists - Brain Thrust Mastery 9. The Very Best - Esau Mwamwaya & radioclit Are the very best 10. Why? - Alopecia I haven't really listened to many others in addition to those tbh. I had been quite out of touch with this years new music until recently when I started trying to catch up.
  5. The Very Best - Esau Mwamwaya & Radioclit Are The Very Best, I'm enjoying this very much. You can download the whole album from their myspace MySpace.com - THE VERY BEST free album download - Lilongwe - Malawi to London via France & Sweden, UK - Tropical / Melodramatic Popular Song / Showtunes - www.myspace.com/theverybestmyspace Influences: Traditional Malawi music, Tchopa, Manganje, Vimbuza and African reggae. And everything from Ludacris to Phil Collins.
  6. I'm not quite so sure that the X-Factor and other type shows are worth getting as worked up about as some here seem to be. Some people seem to forget that music is a matter of taste, there isn't anything "wrong" with people liking the music made by the contestants. Anyway all the shows do is make some easy populist entertainment for TV at the same time as finding the next top 40 act who we would end up with anyway. Personally I'd prefer not to listen to either Snow Patrol's or Leona Lewis' version of run.
  7. I'm just happy that no one will ever have to hear the little irish twats version. Happy Alexandra won too
  8. Complete opposite??? Surely that's a little bit of an exageration.
  9. The Howff is probably my favourite. Also a big fan of teh prince of wales, under the hammer, the grill, blackfriars and ma's. I work about 30 seconds frm the queen vic, i've never been in though as I don't ever go for a pint straight from work, I'll have to pop in sometime though.
  10. I haven't been affected by the credit crunch, but then I don't rely much on credit for anything. However I have been affected by the horror show that is the ever decreasing value of the pound against the euro. I'm doing a TEFL course in Barcelona in January for which the fees were to be paid in euros. The cost to me had increased quite a bit from the time I booked the course and worked out how much I needed to save etc to when I actually paid the fees. At least I paid it when I did as to get by for the month I'm there wont go nearly as far it would have previously. On a side note, I really wish people would stop using the term 'Credit Crunch' while referring to any problems with the economy. The media and politicians have moved on now though as it's all about "The Downturn". It's almost funny to see what lengths some will go to to avoid using the word recession!
  11. what's everyones thoughts on all this then? BBC SPORT | Football | Internationals | SPL welcomes plans for shake-up personally I now think that summer football is the right move for scottish football and league construction is needed so it's good that the bosses are talking about them.
  12. Deerhunter (only no. 62 ?( ) and Tv on the Radio should both be much higher up the list imo. And I wouldn't have Bloc Party, Hadouken!, Dan le sac vs scroobius pip, glasvegas, kaiser chiefs and a few others any where near the list. I like the high placings for Fleet Foxes and MGMT though!
  13. Last nights episode was awesome, Konnie Huq was ace in it. 'NYYYAAAAAAAAA!... What did you shake for" "Your hat knocked my head" "We haven't just pissed on a hill, we've pissed on the viewer's face, directly in their eyes" However I thought the previous episode, the writer's special, was pretty pants. I wouldn't have minded it if a) it had been done as a one off special, not a screenwipe episode and b) the writers had anything interesting to say. He couldn't have already guessed that most sit-com writers spend their days drinking tea, playing solitaire and not doing as much writing as they would like. And Graham Linehan saying that he just looks on the internet for funny stuff he can steal..
  14. I'm not a huge fan but I like a lot of stuff from the last few albums they did. I saw them live at reading a few years ago, it was Think Tank era so no Graham. They did have Phil Daniels on stage for Parklife though
  15. Right now I have one particular line of 'Penny Dreadfuls' by Animal Collective constantly in my head!
  16. Sounds like a good night, I'll hopefully make it along to this. I've never actually been in tunnels 2!
  17. Keith Jack also is currently appearing as peter pan alongside. The council probably just thought, "well, he's already in aberdeen, lets ask him". I wont be in aberdeen at hogmany anyway so I don't really care
  18. My Grandad always said that Zoltan Varga was the best player he ever saw for the dons. I think he was only playing in Scotland because he had a temporary ban from playing in most of europe, although I can't remember why. Anyway as soon as the ban was over he moved to Ajax, was their replacement for Johann Cruyff I believe! The only real standout for me is Zerouali, mainly for the excitement he brought at a pretty low period for the club. Heikkenen deserves a mention too. Unfortunately Gilhaus and the early 90's guys were jsut a couple of years too early for me.
  19. Best 3 Bands heard this year for the first time - Animal Collective, Deerhunter, MGMT. I've got into AC pretty late but they've instantly become one of my favourite bands Best gigs this year - Radiohead at Glasgow Green, Tv on the Radio at the ABC and Tokyo Police Club in King Tuts, all awesome Best Releases of 2008 - Fleet Foxes s/t, Deerhunter - Microcastle, MGMT - Oracular Spectacular, Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward, Tokyo Police Club - Elephant Shell Best Purchase of the year - just bought my first mp3 player, to help me catch up with the 21st century YAS MINs of the year - 3 months in Nepal at the start of the year, the whole time was awesome Biggest Dissapointment - Dons 3 - QOTS 4 Looking forward to 2009 - Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion realeased in January, expecting something awesome
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/29/business/29walmart.html?_r=2
  21. I'll be trying to make it along at some point on saturday, a friend of mine used to work at Linnmoor and was tellign me about this. Hope it goes well.
  22. I've never been in to star wars nad haven't seen them all, the one i enjoyed most though was episode 3. I've only seen the last 10 mins of episode one but I will still say it's one of the worst films i've ever seen.
  23. I've only heard a few "life without buildings" tracks, from the live album that was released last year. I really liked what I heard, don't see why what's wrong with the vocals.
  24. Here's an interview with David Simon and Ed Burns, also it starts off with 3 of the writers. TOUGH GUYS OF THE YEAR: BALTIMORE?S FINEST: GQ Features on men.style.com Quite a long read but well worth it.
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