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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. In my opinion, it definitely is. After being aware of it for some time and always hearing how good it was I finally got round to watching it last week. With the help of having this week off work I've now managed to get through all of seasons 1-4. Season 5 isn't out on dvd here until the 22nd of september, I really don't know how I can wait until then. All other tv shows now seem poor in comparison, the writing, the characters, the acting and the realism of the show are all utterly fantastic. So any other fans on here? If so, what are your favourite characters? If you want a second opinion listen to Charlie Brooker YouTube - Tapping The Wire Pt. 1
  2. Yesterday I bought: Animal Colelctive - Strawberry Jam Fleet Foxes - s/t Neutral Milk Hotel - In the aeroplane over the sea
  3. I read that a couple of months ago, a very good book. Some very interesting stuff about Spain's regional rivalries. I read a book about Italian football a while ago which was quite similar in style, although it didn't go into as much historical details. It's called Forza Italia and it's written by Paddy Agnew. It has some very interesting chapters on Silvio Berlusconi and Maradonna's involvement with the mafia. I'm currently jsut a few pages away from finishing Utopia by Thomas More, a very interesting read.
  4. I'm not suprised he's revealed his identity just know. It's the only way to stop The Sun's silly little campaign to work it out. And to prove that he's not Norman Cook.
  5. Reservoir Dogs > Kill Bill Vol.1 > Jackie Brown > Pulp Fiction > Kill Bill Vol.2 I haven't seen Death Proof.
  6. I think it should probably have been rated higher than 12A
  7. S.Darko isn't really going to have much to do with Donnie Darko at all. The only person from donnie darko who will be in this is the girl who played Donnie's younger sister Samantha, who will be the main character of this film. Richard Kelly has confirmed he will definitely have nothing to do with it. It really does just seem like a lame cash in.
  8. Jack Nicholson's performance is in no way any where near as good as Ledger's. Nicholson's performance is fun but there's nothing great about it.
  9. Recently finished "Carry on Jeeves" a collection of Jeeves and Wooster short stories. Hilarious as always. Currently reading Utopia by Thomas More
  10. I went to see it on Friday night. Firstly I will agree with anyone who has said that Ledger's performance is brilliant, even after the hype I was completely blown away by how good his performance is. Certainly the best performance I can think of in any 'hollywood blockbuster'. And it was quite easily better than any other performance in the film, Bale didn't even have to do anything as he wasn't given any acting to do. Aside from the excellent Joker I was a little disappointed by the film overall. I would probably say it matches up to Batman Begins, just, but doesn't surpass it. Imo they biggest flaw is Two Face. The transformation of Harvey Dent to Two Face isn't needed at all, it's completely rushed and unconvincing. I'm not really sure why they scrapped the previous idea of the change to occur at the beginning of the third film. The scenes on the boats were very cringe worthy and the whole mobile phone sonar thing with Batman and his white eyes was just bad. I might go see it again, I could possibly be being a little harsh due to the high expectation I had been sucked into having, but I am genuinely quite suprised at how the film appears to be getting near universal acclaim as flawless.
  11. The Arctic Monkeys have only one it once though. It's pretty hard to guess who they will go for this year, Radiohead have been nominated 3 times (plus Thom Yorke solo once) and have not won, I don't expect that to change (it would be my pick though). I'm shocked that "Third" didn't make it onto the list.
  12. This saturday's episode is an extra long one, about 65 mins. And I thought I heard that there woulc be 3 or even 4 specials at different times between this and the next series.
  13. It was pretty good, but as is often the case it felt the first part didn't really give us much but was purely a set up for the second part. I did enjoy it but not quite as much as I did some of the other episodes from the second half of the series. The biggest problem is that it seems all set to be resolved by some 'reset button' (similar to the conclusion of the last series). I'm guessing it will be something to do with that key Martha has. I hope I'm wrong though. As much as I would like Tenant to stay as the doctor it would be pretty cool if the BBC had managed to completely keep a change in the doctor secret.
  14. From where I was last night the crowd was great, much better than at Meadowbank (where the crowd did seem completely full of arseholes). Radiohead were on great form a fantastic performance. The setlist was amazing, i was expecting and looking forward to a lot of In Rainbows and I got them all except House of Cards which is my least favourite from the album. The mix of the older songs was perfect, the return of Like Spinning Plates to the set was a nice suprise. Idioteque was a great closer.
  15. As always the BBC pundits are much better than ITV's. Andy Townsend isn't as bad as he used to be but he's still not great. Bolo Zended and the like add nothing and are worthless. Plus ITV has a reall cheap feel about it with the studio being in London and not Austria or Switzerland. BBC has a real mixed bag but Martin O'Neil and Gordon Strachan are both great and really insightful, but their a little under used. Hansen is still the best, but only when he can be arsed, which hasn't been often in this tournament. Shearer is a joke they need to get rid of him. Mark Bright is incredibly annoying. And, What is the point of Garth Crooks?????
  16. I will be absolutely stunned if Gomez is not dropped for Germany's quarter final, with Podolski moving up front to replace him. How old is Neuville? He looked tired and off the pace after being on the pirch for only two minutes!!
  17. With the Lib Dems not standing (due to them supporting Davis on this issue) if Labour did not put a candidate forward it would eb a highly surreal by-election with Davis fighting against a couple of minority parties. However i think the odds are that Labour will stand. It's very strange and as people say it isn't really a huge gamble (on his seat anyway, his chances of getting back in the shadow cabinet are in more doubt), I do feel though that he is doign it because he is genuinely passionate about this issue and not only as a stunt. It's just a shame a few more Labour MP's didn't take a stand last night.
  18. BBC NEWS | Politics | David Davis resigns from Commons This is quite strange and out of the blue.
  19. As usual I'll be supporting Italy, I started following them as a kid due to my love of football italia on channel 4. I'm not overly confident about their chances this time round though, their tendency to be slow starters could hit them hard in a group with Holland and France (even though I think this France side is pretty mediocre). It could be a great chance for Spain to finally win a major tournament. I thnk they possibly have the strongest squad. Germany have a decent squad and as mentioned they wouldn't have the toughest of runs to the final. I think Holland have a good chance and should make the semis at least.
  20. I don't think it is that bad of idea actually. Personally my first choice would be Hiddink but the talk coming from his camp seems to suggest he'll stay put with Russia until the next world cup. After him though I would take Hughes, he has proven himself to be a good coach and have an astute eye in the transfer market. I'd bet on him being able to handle the pressure that would come with the job too. He's one ofthe few managers from outside the "big 4" who could rightfully claim they deserve a chance with a bigger club. I expect the chelsea board to be a bit less adventurous though, we'll probably end up with Scolari or Rijkaard, both of which would be disappointing imo.
  21. It's been a season of highs and lows, unfortunatley I missed out on many of the high points. At the time of both the Copenhagen and Bayern games I was in Nepal with no way of seeing the games, unfortunately I was back in time to see the dons lose to Queen of the South at Hampden. Chelsea losing the Champions league final was one of the worst experiences I've had as a football fan. The wins over Man U at Stamford Bridge and Liverpool in the champions league semi final were great though. Beating France was probably the biggest highlight of the season. The reaction in the pub when that goal went in was incredible.
  22. I've been getting into weezer again recently, Blue and Pinkerton are still as great as ever. I have absolutely no optimism for the new album though. Make Believe is one of the worst records I've ever bought. There wasn't one good thing about it. It would take a huge turn around in form to provide anything worthwhile.
  23. Just finished " A wild sheep chase" by Murakami. Am I the only person on here who likes Graham Spiers?
  24. I thought McCurry had an alright game last night.
  25. I flew with bmi baby last year using an old student card as I.D. As people have said though it depends on each airline but a driving liscence should be ok for most I think.
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