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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Sigur Ros and My Bloody Valentine would be awesome. Hopefully they do play connect. Although the line-ups were very similar last year Sonic Youth and Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah (plus some others) played Electric Picnic only.
  2. Is anyone here a fan of Fanfarlo? MySpace.com - Fanfarlo - London, UK - Alternative / Pop / Folk - www.myspace.com/fanfarlo I've just got into them, I've been listening to all the songs I can over and over for the past few days. They remind of 'Clap your hands and say yeah' in parts and also a litlle bit of Arcade Fire.
  3. They better bring back the old theme tune Good to hear they're keeping Brundle, his grid walk is the best part of the coverage. ITV have done quite a good job though, apart from the ads their coverage has been good (better than most ITV sports coverage) and they give more time to race build up than the beeb used to.
  4. Currently reading My Life - Fidel Castro with Ignacio Ramonet Only a couple of chapters in but I'm enjoying it so far. I life the interview / biography style. Read quite a few books recently, the best ones being: Candide - Voltaire, The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck, Things fall apart - Achebe & The Dubliners - Joyce.
  5. yeah he is, he's in the band polar that was nominated last year, or it could have been the year before. The EE made a big deal of it when the nominations were announced.
  6. I don't see why, they've had other singles that were just as succesful and recieved just as much air play. If you asked a group of people to name one Klaxons track I wouldn't think a majority would choose "It's not over yet". Anyway I think they will be remembered more for the album which really is great. It completely exceeded my expectations despite really liking the tracks i'd heard before it's release and enjoying them live. I don't think I've heard a better album from a British band in the past year ( apart from Kala by M.I.A but that's only just out). It's certainly been one of my most listened to.
  7. Klaxons a deserved winner in my opinion.
  8. It was "Killer" I had the chorus stuck in my head for the rest of the weekend.
  9. Great festival. I could complain about a couple of small things but generally everything was great. Musically the highlights for me were Bjork, LCD Soundsystem, M.I.A, Bat for Lashes, Patrick Wolf, The Go! Team, Modest Mouse, Sons and Daughters (the Seal cover was awesome:up:), CSS and Jarvis. The Silent Disco was great fun and there was some very good food to be had too. If the line up is as good I would definitely go back next year.
  10. I think the joker looks great, this pic is good www.themovieblog.com/archives/Heath-Joker.jpg
  11. Lee Mair was our best player in the first half. putting Foster on for him was absurd. To top it off Foster produced one of his worst performances. Lovell deserved to come off. I couldn't understand the RDS' reaction to the substitution. Overall it was a terrible game. No team deserced to win.
  12. He had just taken up a post with Uefa i think when he said it, so no link to the FA really. This guy doesn't appear to have put much thought into what he has said, he's failed to cover up his obvious personal dislike with England in any way and ends up just looking like an idiot. England would have a really strong case for hosting it. I couldn't see them losing if they try again. Unless Fifa is made up of a lot of people like this.....which it probably is.
  13. I'll be there, I can't wait. I'm looking forward to Bjork & CSS the most.
  14. I'd be quite suprised if they played T in the park. As Jamesy said they're a good bet for Glasto, I think that would be the only UK festival they'll play next year. They'll most likely play a few other european festivals as well though.
  15. I enjoyed it, better than the standard of the tv show these days but still far behind the simpsons at it's best, which is really the best I was hoping for. Still It did feel like and extended episode rather than a film. It could easily be reduced to as standard 22 minute episode. The things that annoyed me most: Colin the Irish boy. Was there any reason for him to be in it at all? Swartzeneger being president. The joke would have been funnier if they had had Reiner Wolfcastle as president. Did they think that after almost 20 years some people might not have realised what that character was? There needed to be more Mr. Burns I wasn't really interested in the Bart / Flanders story line.
  16. I can't wait for this. Looks as if it should meet the usual Wes Anderson standard. 8-)
  17. Seeing it tomorrow. I'm encouraged by the good newspaper reviews and good reports from people that have seen it. However a couple of people who have similar opinions on the simpsons as me left disappointed. I would love for the film to be really great and of the quality of the old epsiodes (up to season 8) but realistically I think the best will be the equivalent of the better new episodes. The worst thing about the film is how much it has made me think about how much of a decline it's suffered. I should be as excited about seeing this as Bart was about seeing the Itchy & Scratchy movie, but instead I'm just nervous.
  18. I'd reccomend Ljubljana if you get a chance. Beautiful city and you can easily explore lots of other things Slovenia has to offer as a day trip from there. Good nightlife too.
  19. Hopefully the fact that she's standing next to Jack Penate on the cover will stop you.
  20. Great album, I haven't listened to it in a long long time though.
  21. For me Antics was a huge disappointment. TOTBL is great but Interpol seem to have lost something since they made it and I don't expect them to make an album as good again. Sadly.
  22. She's no where near as good as Lily Allen, who is awesome.
  23. Felt sorry for Garcia and for Romero as well. His final round was great. Good to have a European winner again though.
  24. It's still great though:up:
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