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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Favourite world cup moments? Fabio Grosso's goal against Germany. This is possibly my favourite football match ever. It was brilliant. No goals for 118 minutes but it was still 10/10 for excitement all the way through, both sides attacked and went for it as much as they could. Just when it seems that it will have to be settled by penalties Pirlo slips a lovely ball to Grosso who curls a perfect shot in to the goal. The explosion of joy which follows is what the world cup is all about. Grosso's celebration is so similar to Tardelli's famous one that you could think it was a deliberate copy but it comes across as a genuine unplanned moment. Del Piero then follows up with an amazing second goal just to make it even better.
  2. I think John Snow's story has been better this season than before.
  3. Italy used to be my favourite international team outside of Scotland. World Cup 94 was probably when I went from having a passing interest in football to being in love with the sport. I adored Roberto Baggio and was devastated when he and Italy lost the final. I just couldn't believe it happened, I was so sure they were going to win. From that moment on I really wanted to see Italy win a major tournament to make up for it and I've never quite liked Brazil. With them finally winning it in 2006 and all the 90s players retiring I don't feel as strongly about them now but they are still one of a few counties I like to do well. I like Spain obviously but would prefer to see someone different win this time, unless they play like the Euro 2012 final in every match. Argentina always seem to have players that I like and it would be brilliant if they won it in Brazil. I want Ghana to do well because I lived there for a bit, I doubt they'll match last time's performance though.
  4. Wouldn't be surprised to see Chelsea hijack the Shaw deal if Cole is confirmed to be leaving. Personally I think shaw would be well advised to stay at Southampton at least one more year but it would be interesting to see who he would choose if he had the choice.
  5. I'm more than a little bit excited. Nothing beats the world cup. Nothing. I've got a good feeling about this year's tournament. I think it might be a cracker. I'd like to see Argentina win it.
  6. Trial by combat of wrestling gifs. I name SodaJerk as my champion.
  7. Littlefinger is highly responsible for Ned getting his head chopped off. I hope Arya stabs him in the eye.
  8. But she wouldn't be able to marry Robin any earlier for those same reasons. If Littlefinger ends up ruling half the kingdoms I'll be pissed off.
  9. There's a charity match happening in Lisbon next weekend too.
  10. 10 days to Primavera Sound!!
  11. "I like trains" I don't know who any of those bands are but I'm assuming from some of the names and the poster that it's a metal / heavy rock festival. Anyway I hope "I like trains" are a metal band who chose that name just because it would stand out and look funny alongside other more typical metal band names.
  12. Aberdeen will play their first match of the season before the world cup is even finished.
  13. Apparently they will only sell on of Alexis and Pedro but are listening to offers for either. I'd keep them both. It depends how Luis Enrique will play but I suspect he'll get the team back to 4-3-3 in which both those players can shine.
  14. Stop using spoiler tags! Fantastic episode. I don't like Littlefinger at all but I was very happy when he shoved Lysa out the moon moon door. She was an awful character and I'm glad we don't have to see any more of her. Well done Murr for calling Oberyn as the champion. I think he'll win too. It will be brilliant and I don't bloody want to wait two weeks for it!
  15. Don't forget the German cup final straight after!
  16. The FA Cup final should never kick off at 5pm anyway. FA Idiots! I know what I'll be watching.
  17. Elementary finale So Sherlock is joining MI5. Not sure what I think about that. To be honest I didn't enjoy the last couple of episodes so much. I like the show most when it keeps it simple and sticks to puzzle of the week episodes. longs arcs are't really its strengh
  18. I don't think it's quite that strict. I think it's before 21. I'm not sure though. Not 100% certain about the 4 and 4 thing either but I heard something like that on a a podcast a few weeks back.
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