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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Extras is always hit and miss, it too often follows a generic formula but when it doesn't it can be very funny and entertaining. Personally I would have liked to see Andy's sitcom being succesful in this series to see if Gervais and Merchant could try and be funny without using characters that aren't meant to be pathetic losers. The characters of Andy's agent and "Barry from eastenders" are used too much in this series, they were perfect in series one, now they are just exploited.
  2. One of the best gigs I've been to in ages. All 3 bands were awesome. 8)
  3. What time do the doors open tonight? Anyone know when the first band are on?
  4. Neighbours has been on top form recently. But it would be even better if Rob came back to kill Zeke, Bree, Izzy and Max
  5. From what I've seen the producers usually do get a lot of credit for the work they do with Justin Timberlake, I've seen a couple of reviews where you would be forgiven for thinking the writer believed that Timbaland was the artist and not the producer.
  6. Despite there being more public criticism of him recently I have to agree with Dave that I can't see anyone other than Gordon Brown being the next leader of the Labour party and therefore the next Prime Minister. I think talk of elections at this point is a little premature as whoever the next leader may be they will not have to call an election until 2010.
  7. I'd only seen the score when I posted that, after seeing the highlights Cink was unstopable today.
  8. Europe winning all five sessions is amazing. I don't think the US can point to any poor captaincy issues this time, Europe players were just better.
  9. Monty's won his match and with Europe up in 7 other games USA have some work to do.
  10. I just realised that there is no thread for the Ryder Cup, one of the worlds great sporting events. Is it just that the US are so inept these days that it's not even worth discussing Anyway the early action today seems to suggest Europe should get the points they need, although Sergio is down by 4 after only 6 holes which is a bit worrying. Surely I'm not the only person who cares here?
  11. His recent UN speach calling George Bush the devil and brandishing a copy of a Noam Chomsky book was quite amusing.
  12. A very interesting programme, it definitely cleared up a lot of what I thought about Bi-Polar disorder.
  13. The Tate Modern is fantastic you should definitely try and get to it if you can.
  14. It's good to see that a couple of other people rate te 3rd series as highly as I do. Hugh Laurie is superb as the Prince Regent. Any show that has Rowan Atkinson, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Tony Robinson in it couldn't possibly be bad.
  15. Gravesen has said today that he feels responsible for Celtic losing. At least celtic fans can be consoled that they didn't pay 18 million for their midfielder who looked out of his depth in the champions league.
  16. This gig is goign to be ace, I'm looking forward to it so much. There better still be tickets available.
  17. i think Pulp did win it. There's a few things about the past winners on the bbc website for anyone who's interested.
  18. Franz Ferdinand won it two years ago so it isn't unheard of for the favourites to win. I wasn't too bothered that the Artic Monkeys won, I was just happy Hot Chip didn't win (most disapppointing album of the year) It would have been cool if Thom Yorke had won but, seeing as radiohead failed to win with Ok computer or any other of their nominated albums, it was hardly suprising he didn't.
  19. I'm really looking forward to this. I haven't heard too much of Tilly and the Wall but what I ahve I've liked alot. Edgar Prais and Copy Haho are both local bands i've been interested in seeing too.
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/m/man_utd/5309852.stm Man U turned down the chance to sign Mascherano. Ferguson really has lost it now, he's twice the player Carrick is and is exactly what the Man U midfield required.
  21. Mascherano is a fantastic player, possibly Argentina's best at the world cup. He appeared to be hte perfect player for Man U, a replacement for Keane. It's great for West Ham and brings an exciting new angle to the league.
  22. Time Trumpet is very hit and miss and below the standard of Ianucci's previous work.
  23. I've been stuck on 28 for hours, everything I've tried has failed and I have no ideas left.
  24. On tuesday I'll be seeing Radiohead, Beck and Deerhoof
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