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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. 2000 - Radiohead - Kid A 2001 - Bjork - Vespertine 2002 - Sonic Youth - Murray Street 2003 - Radiohead - Hail to the Thief 2004 - Brian Wilson - Smile 2005 - Arcade Fire - Funeral
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dJEa44Wgtk their video for previous single 'A million Ways'. Just in case you haven't seen it yet.
  3. Naples is only a 2hr train away from Rome and then it's about another 30 mins on the metro from Naples to Pompei. It's easily done and definitely worth taking the time for.
  4. when you're in Rome you should try and make it down to Pompei one day, it's absolutely awesome and quite surreal. The vatican and the vatican museum are fantastic. I agree with A.Pel Trevi fountain at night is beautiful.
  5. All the european places will stay with Italian clubs. It is the Italian football association that has taken away the european places and not Uefa. The champions league and uefa cup places will go to the top teams based on the league standings after the punished teams are taken out.
  6. I've only heard the thom yorke album from the shortlist. I bought Hot Chip a couple of days ago but haven't got round to listening to it yet. I really like the eraser and I like it more and more with each listen. I think it's a bit misleading to compare it to Kid A as it is really quite different. I find it quite funny that people stil lsay that Radiohead ditched the guitars when they made Kid A, there's guitar on most of the tracks on Kid A and Amnesiac.
  7. The punishments were just as expected really, except maybe the minus 30 points for Juve was a little more than I thought. The punishments have to be accpeted although it is unfortunate that the players and fans have to be punished as well when they have been let down by some of the directors. There really isn't a case for any of the teams to be more severely punished as there really isn't that much evidence against Milan, Lazio and Fiorentina. Btw there is no evidence of direct match fixing and that is not what they have been charged with. Milan do ok next season and should get a champions league spot. Juventus will have the strongest team in serie B next season so they wont be relegated like some people have said and there is a chance of a play-off spot although that would be a great achievement. I don't think there will be quite as big as selling spree as people have said and I really don't think many players will be coming over to England. I certainly hope they stay in Italy. A lot of the Juve players that go would have been very likely to leave anyway.
  8. The Pipettes were awesome tonight, I can't wait to get the album on monday .
  9. A lot of the stuff sounds quite similar to the b-sides to the Amnesiac singles.
  10. I've just got my application form for the supporters club too.
  11. Make Believe was horrible. A terrible album. I wish they had stopepd before they made it. Blue and Pinkerton are awesome though.
  12. Anyone got this yet? I had pre ordered it from play but it only arrived today Just listened to it once. Impressive for the first listen.
  13. I'm about as optimistic as Dave about Aberdeen's hopes for the upcoming season. Unless players who were disappinting last season (Nicholson, Lovell, Mackie etc) suddenly improve we will struggle to get top 6. McGuire will be a decent signing for the pars if he performs like he can and sorts out his personal life. Hopefull Scott Morrison will make a good comeback as well.
  14. Season 5 was brillaint by far the best. It was brillaint from start to finish, it had the excitment of season 1 with the twists amd turns of 3 without the sillyness and cringeworthy bits of season 2. It definitely had the best final episode of any season too.
  15. Murray's biggest mistake was expecting the media and public to take what he said in the light hearted way he meant it. But really it's been made into a bigger deal than it really is. Most English tennis fans still want Andy Murray to win, there's no bitterness that Henman never won Wimbledon, they both represent Britain and that's how most people see it. Unfortunately because of the mentality of some scots they use the situation of Henman, a very good tennis player, running out of form at the end of his career and Murray showing great potential as a point superiority for Scotland over England.
  16. Why does Rob hate Izzy? He's never been in neighbours before, has he?
  17. I've ordered it, i'm looking forward to hearing it. I liked a couple of tracks I heard on a radio session Thurston did recently.
  18. I really wanted to go to this but couldn't make it I love Alamos' album
  19. I read a really bad review of it today, it said that it lacked everything that made the first 2 good. It's quite odd how many characters appear to have minor roels in the film.
  20. from Pitchfork First Listen: Thom Yorke's The Eraser Matthew Solarski reports: Major break-ups, deaths, and Thom Yorke records-- pretty much the only stories Pitchfork News wakes up on a weekend to break. A couple of Saturdays back, we caught wind that Yorke was planning his first-ever foray into, um, solitary territory ("i don't wanna hear that word solo," the man wrote in a W.A.S.T.E. e-mail), on a forthcoming album to be titled The Eraser. And now, we've had the distinct pleasure of hearing the album in its entirety. The Eraser is a sumptuous, Nigel Godrich-produced layer cake of plaintive piano, haunting synth squalls, and chugging guitars built atop skittish programmed beats and devoured by Thom Yorke's anguished ruminations on the pressures and paranoias attendant to fame and expectation. And no, it's not a techno record. Here's a track-by-track first glimpse at The Eraser: 1. "the eraser": The title track opens with a muffled, repeated piano chord. After a few bars and a chord change, programmed beats settle in, and Thom interrupts, "Please excuse me but I got to ask," scraping the upper register. Soon, a gaggle of disembodied, moaning Thoms joins in for the chorus, which seemingly takes a cue from Morrissey: "The more you try to erase me/ The more that I appear". 2. "analyse": Vocal and rolling piano lines launch this meditation on futility. "The fences that you cannot climb/ The sentences that do not rhyme," Thom laments, sad and clever all at once. And later: It gets you down/ You're just playing a part," one of many presumed jabs at self-identity. The chord progression somewhat recalls an accelerated "Knives Out", with a hesitant snare plodding along in the background, before Godrich drops in the first of The Eraser's many cinematic synth flourishes. 3. "the clock": A cyclical guitar line lends this track an almost motorik vibe, albeit one evoking a leisurely Sunday drive. Click-clack beats add to the pace before the inevitable opening line: "Time is running out/ For us." By the end, Thom is humming a simple, bluesy melody over the steady but relentless rhythm. 4. "black swan": Opens with an almost hip-hop beat, before a blues-inspired riff more than a little reminiscent of "I Might Be Wrong" drops in and sets the structure. "This is fucked up, fucked up," Yorke declares. Later, more identity crises are averted: "I don't care what the future holds/ 'Cause I'm right here and I'm today/ With your fingers you can touch me." 5. "skip divided": Samples of Thom drawing breaths help form the percussive foundation of this dark stalker-ly declaration. Yorke's at his most conversational here, almost pub-drunk, revealing, "When you walk in a room I follow you 'round/ Like a dog/ I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog/ I'm a lapdog/ I'm your lapdog." Creepy. 6. "atoms for peace": Thom returns, all homesick alien, beseeching you: "No more going to the dark side with your flying saucer eyes/ No more falling down a wormhole that I have to pull you out," and striving for some higher octaves during the chorus: "I wanna geeet ouuut/ And make it woooork." Celestial tones underscore a warm, bumbling bassline-- a relatively minimal arrangement compared to the rest of The Eraser. "So many lies/ So feel the love come off of them/ And take me in your arms," he sings. Thom's own "You're Beautiful"? 7. "and it rained all night": And it's back to the Dark Side for The Eraser's chilliest number, a tune awash in eerie synth and driven by a Joy Division-esque bassline. Thom assumes the role of the poet-observer, surrealistically detailing visions of post-downpour New York, clipped vocal samples later piggybacking the bassline. It culminates in a strained, desperate: "I can see you/ But I can never reach you." 8. "harrowdown hill": Don't get thrown off by the practically post-punk opening bass riff; more haunted synth and programmed beats soon drift in and turn things nocturnal once again. "I'm coming home to make it alight/ So dry your eyes," sings Thom-- one of the most conventional, pop-esque vocal melodies on the record. "I can't take the pressure/ No one cares if you live or die/ They just want me gone/ They want me gone." The moment is suspended to make way for some riffing, which closes out the song. 9. "cymbal rush": We're greeted here by what sounds like the Pac-Man death sound effect kicked down an octave kicked down an octave; then more funereal, ambient synth, along with pitter-patter programmed percussion not unlike that on "Kid A". "Try to build a wall that is high enough," sings Thom. "It's all boiling over." Finally, the climax: percussion picks up, guitar enters over melancholic piano chords, and more disembodied Thoms float about, moaning-- until all drops out for one final blip-bloop parade, which sputters out to an abrupt finish. Regarding The Eraser, Yorke also wrote "inevitably it is more beats & electronics. but its [sic] songs," and that pretty much sums it up. The record is song-oriented to a perhaps surprising degree-- no instrumentals, all tracks pretty much in the four-minute range, mostly standard time signatures-- and emphasizes the trademark textural richness of Radiohead and Godrich. The Eraser lands in stores July 11 in the U.S. (lucky Brits get it a day earlier) via XL Recordings, but for now, those of you who enjoy being puzzled, hop on over to www.theeraser.net for more (totally cryptic) album details.
  21. Grilled, unsmoked back bacon. Keep it simple with some fresh think cut white bread and a touch of tomato sauce. Microwave cooked bacon is the work of the devil. It creates a horrible smell too.
  22. He's the second most annoying person on tv behind that Russel Brand fellow.
  23. Last week Thom Yorke announced that he'd be releasing an album called the Eraser. It will be released on XL July 10th. Tracklist is 01 the eraser 02 analyse 03 the clock 04 black swan 05 skip divided 06 atoms for peace 07 and it rained all night 08 harrowdown hill 09 cymbal rush http://www.theeraser.net
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