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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. The last frame was very tense for Dott. If Ronnie had got that and made it to the mid session interval who knows what could have happened.
  2. I was under the impression they were jsut a part of the whole Green Party, like the Scottish Liberal Democrats or Scottish Conservatives etc. It would be strange for a British party to be pro Scottish independence.
  3. I've never smelt piss in any pubs/ clubs since the ban...apart from when in the toilets.
  4. Today's been crazy!!! Dott wins session to go 16-8 up against O'Sullivan and now Fu has come back from 15-9 down and the game's gone to a decider.
  5. I didn't realise it was today until a couple of minutes ago when my sister sent me a message saying she's going to be in it. I would like to have gone but I can't make it.
  6. Pugwall was ace and the spinoff, Pugwall's summer. California dreams was great too.
  7. I've only been a couple of times but enjoyed it when I've been there. I would definitely put it in the group of clubs I would be happy to go to. Also I don't think it's anywhere near the worst club for neds or badly dressed orange skinned slags etc.
  8. Are the Scottish Green Party really pro independence?
  9. 2-0 up against Hibs after 30 mins. Great start .
  10. Enough of the Midaircondo hate, they were awesome. I ordered their album yesterday. Were the first support a similar sort of thing?
  11. The FA have messed this up so badly. If McLaren gets it there will be no success on the horizon for England.
  12. I didn't hear about that, that's quite unacceptable in snooker. It's been an enjoyable session in the Dott - O'Sullivan match today. Shaping up to be a great game.
  13. I agree about not being able to see him being anooying. He played great though. I arrived to see the first band but Midaircondo were absolutely fantastic. A huge suprise as it really wasn't what i would have expected to be supporting. I'll definitely be getting their album as soon as i can. Totally awesome, I was completely mezmerised.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4949488.stm Judge creates own Da Vinci code The judge who presided over the failed Da Vinci Code plagiarism case at London's High Court hid his own secret code in his written judgement. Seemingly random italicised letters were included in the 71-page judgement given by Mr Justice Peter Smith, which apparently spell out a message. Mr Justice Smith said he would confirm the code if someone broke it. "I can't discuss the judgement, but I don't see why a judgement should not be a matter of fun," he said. Italicised letters in the first few pages spell out "Smithy Code", while the following pages also contain marked out letters. Although he would not be drawn on his code and its meaning, Mr Justice Smith said he would probably confirm it if someone cracked it, which was "not a difficult thing to do". In March, he presided over a High Court case brought by authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, who claimed Dan Brown plagiarised their own historical book for The Da Vinci Code. But Mr Justice Smith ruled Mr Brown did not substantially copy Mr Baigent and Mr Leigh's work The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, saying it did not have a central theme in the way its authors suggested. The Da Vinci Code, which has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, features a number of codes the heroes of the book must crack to solve the mystery. A much-anticipated movie version of the novel, starring Tom Hanks as historian Robert Langdon, is released on 19 May.
  15. She was giving a speach to the Royal College of Nurses (or something like that) and was booed, heckled etc and generally asked difficult questions which she wasn't really given time to answer. As a result she's come under pressure to resign due to the belief that most people in the NHS have no faith in her.
  16. Semi-Finals Peter Ebdon v Marco Fu Graeme Dott v Ronnie O' Sullivan Ronnie will obviously be the favourite to win it now, but he hasn't been at his very best so the others have a chance. I'm supporting Marco Fu 8)
  17. Actually anytime 1966 is mentioned somebody Scottish will mention 1967 which is even more pathetic than the constant '66 talk. The song is quite stupid anyway, England might not even play Germany.
  18. I'd be scared if our government was in touch with the majority of the british public.
  19. I don't understand why people think the new Fopp is any worse than the old one. It's in a better location, wider selection and generally there's probably more items at lower prices. yeah the old one had a certain charm about it, but it has nothing else over the new one. And I wouldn't have asked for the pound off. Also if the dent was such a problem, why would it have been less of a problem at 6.
  20. It will be a good appointment for Englang. I still think they should have done everything to try and get Hiddink but out of the poeple supposedly on the short list he was the only respectable choice. I know it's early but England will have a great chance at Euro 2008
  21. I think Charles Clarke should probably go. Patricia Hewitt is just taking the flak for the mistakes of the government as a whole. If she went it wouldn't help the NHS in anyway. If Prescott gets away with punching people during a campaign, he certainly isn't going to go over an affair.
  22. Considering tby the time of this tour the album will have been out for a year I would hope they have more than enough new material to complete a set.
  23. Great band, should be a great gig. Quite unexpected too as they've just finsihed a UK tour.
  24. First Of The Gang To Die / Still Ill / You Have Killed Me/ The Youngest Was The Most Loved / Reader Meet Author / To Me You Are A Work Of Art / My Life Is A Succession Of People Saying Goodbye / Girlfriend In A Coma / Let Me Kiss You / I Just Want To See The Boy Happy / At Last I Am Born / Life Is A Pigsty / Trouble Loves Me / On The Streets I Ran / A Song From Under The Floor Boards / I Will See You In Far-off Places/ How Soon Is Now? // Irish Blood, English Heart
  25. Yeah, I think someone threw chewing gum on the stage and he stood on it.
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