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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. For the predictor thing I got 1st Italy 2nd Brazil 3rd Sweden 4th Argentina
  2. yeah I'm sure rachel and Zyk are standing with Susan.
  3. Jpe Cole was going nowhere before Mourinho took over at Chelsea. Apart from some good performances for his age at West Ham he never looked like developing into a top player before Mourinho took over Chelsea. Now he is putting in good performances and could develop into a player capable of playing at international level for years to come. Gerrard and Lampard may not be flair players in the way that Ronaldinho or Zidane are but only a few truly great players can attempt to play their way and not end up looking like fools who lose the ball most the time they have possesion.
  4. I'm already getting really excited about the world cup. I think Brazil will win if they manage to accomodate all the great attacking players in one team and the defence holds. I might put a little bet on Italy winning. They finally have some new players of a good enough standard to take over in some positions and the older players left are still more than up to the task. I ahve always had a liking for Italian football so Italy will be the team I'm supporting. I had thought Argentina had a chance but they haven't impressed in recent matches but they should still get to the quarters at least. England have a starting 11 with a good chance. If any of their first team get injured I feel they will be significantly weakened. The factor most likely to prevent them from winning could again be Errikson's tactical naivety. My main hope is that the competition is full of great football wit hthe overall standard being at a higher level than the Euro 2004 and World Cup 2002. The only way in which that will probably happen though is if the big teams are properly prepared and not tired. With the competition starting in very early June it looks like the big players will have little chance of a rest again.
  5. Although there are elements of there story which you can only take their word for I really don't think they were guilty. The way in which the Americans kept trying to place them at events in Afghanistan the previous year when they had 100% solid alibi's that they were in the UK was a but mad. If the recreation of some of those scenes is anywhere near accurate then it's easy to see how they haven't got Bin Laden's location from anyone with such intelligent questioning ability.
  6. Has anyone else just watched this on Channel 4. Quite disturbing but then I think we've heard enough about it already that there wasn't going to be much suprising about this. Still very interesting to hear the thoughts of peopel who have been there.
  7. I saw these a couple of days ago, some of them are great although some do seem to just be Chuck Norris ones with the names changed. These were some of my favourites If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he'd shoot Nina twice. If everyone on "24" followed Jack Bauer's instructions, it would be called "6". Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys. Jack Bauer was never addicted to heroin. Heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer.
  8. Just decided I'm definitely not going, just found out the world cup final is on the sunday of T in the Park.
  9. Have they split up?? I thought they were just on an extended break sort of thing.
  10. Clap your hands... and The Go! Team being added means i'm finally happy that I bought a ticket. If The Go! Team are as good as they were at Reading lastyear then it'll be awesome.
  11. I know it's stupid but the name of the film really puts me off seeing it.
  12. Although I can't say I've listened to them for over a year I'm quite looking forward to this. I missed a couple of chances to see them a while back.
  13. I'd thought we played Italy at Murrayfield:down: Playing them in Italy makes it a much harder game and Ireland will be very difficult as well. Hopefully we can win them both though and if England beat France then Ireland beat England we could win the six Nations woo.
  14. Sliders was awesome. I always seemed to miss the episodes where they gained or lost characters though, whcih always left me confused.
  15. We must win today to build on the last two good results. I just hope that it's not as cold as the rangers game.o_O
  16. that would be cool, I remember seeing them at Lava a few years back.
  17. I just got mine after the website taking 45 mins to search for my ticket. It looks like anyone else i know who was trying has failed so far though
  18. I was very disappointed to miss this but I managed to be one of the few to seee them at the Lemon Tree at lunch time. I got a nice sandwhcih too:up: .
  19. I just got my ticket, after I missed him at the lemon tree I didn't think I'd get another chance to see him in Aberdeen so soon.
  20. I was sent this ages ago and i did get addicted for a while. I can't remember my best time though.
  21. Great result, only a point off of caley in sixth place now. Snoyl does look like a good player, hopefully we'll at least get the best out of him between now and the end of the season.
  22. i'll be watching it as it comes on tv. I'm really looking forward to it. The end of season 4 was awesome and really set the show up to take a slightly different direction this season.
  23. I dislike them both, I've never thought Panic! At the disco were copying Fall Out Boy because I've only heard one song from each and I heard them both for the first time on the same day.
  24. Great game last night, despite Rangers having a lot of chances in the second half I never felt they would score, they jsut couldn't hit the target. There's definitely a lot of weird goings on at hearts just now. There's an article written by Steven Pressley in today's Daily Record. He speaks about why he and all the players want to have a meeting with Romanov.
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