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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. does anyone have any info on when tickets go onsale
  2. try www.olga.net or www.guitartabs.cc
  3. I would be quite worried by Iran and their leader's comments are undefendable, but I cannot understand how countries in possesion of nuclear weapons can have any argument against another country who may be developing nuclear weapons.
  4. The last time Radiohead played here in 2003 they struggeld to sell out if I remember right. People I knew were going down to the Glasgow show the day before jsut becasue the don't like the AECC as a gig venue, whihc is an unjust opinion. If you think the strokes would sell out the AECC just because they have sold out venues in Glasgow you must really not understand the difference in the population of Aberdeen and Glasgow plus all the other towns near by that are wtihin a short drive to Glasgow.
  5. Well done to Clyde, this has been a great weekend for football.
  6. Fuck, Celtic have got one back, I hope they can hold on
  7. Clyde still hanging on. The Headline writers will be in overdrive just now.
  8. Apparantly clyde have also missed a pen and had two goals dissalowed. What's the fuck's happening?o_O
  9. I find it hard to see him surviving this really, there has been too much pressure on him for a sustained period of time now. Even if he were to win a vote of confidence or a possible leadership contest I'm not sure he would be able to gain the confidence of the public to move the Lib Dems forward after this. In the long run it may be better if he just stood aside although i would regret to see him go.
  10. The "I am the Walrus" lyrics are great! The worst lyrics ever maybe those of S.O.A.D's "lonely day".
  11. My thoughts on some of the posts i've read Led Zeppelin could possibly be the most over-rated band the beatles are not over rated, many don't rate tehir music or importance highly enough the only time radiohead have been over rated was when someone said th "pop is dead" video isn't that bad Joy division and the white stripes are both awesome yes sonic youth imo opinion are better than nirvana but it's hardly a fair comparison and the quo are easily better than queen
  12. I agree wiht Wishbone G on Buddhism, although I may have looked into to it even less. Certainly however the thoughts behind it I find very acceptable and would hesitate to put it in the same category as all the others. I have hte most problems with christianity, probably because it's the one I know most about and have been exposed to most. The vast amount of different religions within christianity itself has always confused me . Also I thought if people are attempting to discuss all hte major religions then Judaism is quite abig one that seems to have been overlooked.
  13. I'm looking forward to seeing it, it seems that to please the people wh oare complaining about it Peter Jackson would have had to completely disregard the original.
  14. "The most gigantic lying mouth of all time" is pretty good, most of the artwork is of a high standard, the studio performances are cool and the Thom Yorke interviews are funny.
  15. I forgot to include the new Tv on the Radio album. Sonic Youth have just confirmed they will release a new album next year so I'm really looking forward to that now aswell.
  16. The Live at the Astoria 27.05.94? I jsut got that, it's been out on VHS for ages but just released on DVD. Obviously it's all Pablo Honey and Bends stuff. I think the tour in May will be smaller venues, Ed O'Brien mentioned they'd like to do hteatre style venues, and they'll tour larger arenas later in the year like they did in 2003. I doubt they'll play Aberdeen in May.
  17. Favourite Single? White Stripes - My Doorbell Favourite Album? Arcade Fire - Funeral Best Night Out? - 21st Birthday Best Thing You Bought? Inter-rail pass Favourite Tv Show? - 24 Favourite Film? - Of this year? Sin City Maybe Favourite Computer Game? Pro Evo 5 Favourite Food? Pasta Favourite Sporting Moment? Andy Murray at Wibledon Favourite Celebrity? Outstanding Memory? I wont ever forget how cold it was sleeping outside Pisa airport One Thing That Sums Up 2005:
  18. I'm gutted to have misssed him aswell, I can't believe i never heard about it.
  19. I'm looking forward to Radiohead the most. Also looking forward to the Flaming Lips, Yeah Yeah Yeah's and hoping for Arcade Fire and The Go! Team releases.
  20. www.ateaseweb.com In an interview with Zane Lowe Ed O' Brien confirmed that Radiohad will tour the UK in May. Also possibly have a couple of tracks available to download in March / April. Also the upcoming album will be produced by Mark Stent not Nigel Godrich.
  21. The best album this year for me was easily Funeral by Arcade Fire, THe Uk release was February 28th this year, one of the few albums this year I was really waiting for it to be released. My other favourites this year have been: Bright Eyes - I'm wide awake.. S.O.A.D - Mezmerize / Hypnotize Sufjan Stevens - Illinois Jamie Liddel - Multiply Saul Williams - Saul Williams White Stripes - Get behind me satan Willy Mason - Oxygen (I'm not certain when it was released though, maybe i got it last year)
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