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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I gave blood for the first time in November, I'll give again when when I'm able to, I think it's three months you have to wait. I too was suprised when I was answering the questions and saw homosexuals can't give blood.
  2. Juventus are cruising but the Milan game worries me that against the big teams we can still be found out. You'd probably get good odds on Juve at the moment though as the press haven't really bee nspeaking about them over here. I wouldn't bet against a less fancied side winning it again. PSV will give anyone a game, I would still say the favourites have to be Chelsea, Barca, Juve and Milan just now though.
  3. Pissed off Liverpool got Benfica, I just hope it leads to a more embarrasing exit. Chelsea - Barca should be a cracker again but as the ties aren't played for a couple of months yet you can't say what sort of form teams will be in. I think there's more than enough time for Real to find some form which would be very bad for Arsenal. Btw Inter are actually up to 2nd in Serie A, joint wiht Fiorentina, after their win over Milan, still 10 points behind the mihgty Juve though.
  4. I've never seen the show and so only know the littel bits about it that I've heard from other people, but it sounds to me like the worst tv show there ever has bee and a damning endightment of our society, I genuinely feel sorry for the people on the show.
  5. uuuuiqkj43we that is meant to say James, well I'm jsut crap at this game
  6. Byrne gets a hard time because he had a poor start, but this season he has a good player, on saturday he was one of a few players who weren't trying to hide on the pitch. I'm pretty sure he will get the fans on his side after a while.
  7. I'll be suppoorting Italy, Ghana and South Korea. Argentina as well. Italy certainly aren't past it. If Kaka and Adriano play well though then Brazil will win.
  8. I've read a few articles about waht music he listens to, he ussually seems to list off a 100 bands that are popular at them moment, I'm not sure if there's any music he doesn't like.
  9. Has the new album actually bee nreleased yet? I liked Room on Fire and I think it stands up pretty well against Is this it, it's just that it was exactly what everyone expected from them that it was a little dissapointing.
  10. Some papers have said that McLeish may quit even if he beats inter so he can avoid being sacked and leave on a good note. Today's performance hasn't helped him any though. It's definitely a three horsetitle race and Rangers are losing their grip on the coveted fourth place!
  11. He's definitely in the top five footballers ever and I can see why many consider him the most talented there has ever been. Considering how important football is to so many people, I think the coverage is warrented.
  12. This All Blacks team is just awesome and their average age is something like 23, I wouldn't bet against them winning the next 2 world cups.
  13. Seeing Noel Edmonds on TV caught my attention, I've only seen it a couple of times but for that toime of day it's pretty much the best thing on. Quality Stuff.
  14. I only have an interest in the early rounds if the mighty Deveronval are playing.
  15. Proud Mary were terrible whe nthey supported Oasis.
  16. I can't believe someone would type the words dolphin sex in to google
  17. Anyone wlese bought this yet? After a few listens I'm very impressed, it's awesome. Less quirky than Mezmerize. "Dreaming", "Holy Mountains" and "Hypnotize" are probably my favourite songs on it. "U-fig" and "lonely day" are the only songs i'm not sure about. If you ocnsider Mezmerize/Hypnotize to be one album then It's definitely my favourite of theirs, seperately they'd still be my first and second favourites, I'll wait and see which will be no.1.
  18. I hope it snows, when it's this cold and there's no snow it feels like were being ripped off.
  19. His sliding tackles were immense, and then after a few games when he started mistiming them it just became hilarious to see how long he could stay on the pitch for. It suprises me how many people mention him as one of our worst players, he didn't seem to get that much stick at the time. He was great in Champ man too.
  20. Nigel Pepper was fucking awesome, I loved him when he was at Aberdeen. Byrne has been alright this season and overall he has certainly been better than Diamond, Nicholson, Demspey, Muirhead, Lovell, McNaughton, Foster and Stewart. It's unfair he gets so much abuse really when there are other players just as and more deserving. The only players this season who can hold their heds up really are Anderson, Smith and Esson. I think Crawford has been alright and I think he'll prove to be a decent signing, which suprises me as I was against signing him before. As for worst dons, Haruldur Ingulffson (sp?)
  21. Forgot to say Robbie Neilson is an arse, the only player who I really dislike on the hearts team.
  22. I read today that he got booked, i didn't see it at the time though. Ritchie Byrne's a hero.
  23. Good game today, with this and the dundee utd game pittodrie has become bearable again. The referee was very bad. IN the first half i think he got msot decisions the right way but hte times he did and didn't use his yellow card was a bit cofusing. As the game went on he started getting more decisions wrong. I couldn't believe Zander didn't get booked for his challenge on Skacel. Jimmy made a mistake in putting Dempsey on for Hart. Clark had actually been poor in the first half but he's never effective at right back. Considine should of went on at right back. All in all though a good point.
  24. Hash Browns > Fried Bread HE was doing you a favour
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