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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. saul Williams - List of Demands Sonic Youth - Expressway to yr. skull Bjork - Hidden Place De la Soul - Ghetto Thang Sonic Youth - (She's in A) Bad Mood
  2. SOAD have got better with every album and Mezmerize is five times as good as any of their other albums.
  3. It's a good song, not absolutely amazing though. Saying that I've only heard it properly once. I didn't think there was anything progressive about it though. If the album is half as good as Mezmerize I'll be more than happy. darren has an amazing voice as well and I'm happy for them both to sing a bit of lead vocals.
  4. I voted for number 12, I also really liked 2,3,4,9 and 11. 2 and 12 were tied in the lead wiht 14% each after my vote.
  5. I baffles me that so many pro smoking lobbyists continue to say there is no evidnece that passive smoking causes people to die. Are they living in some sort of bubble? It only takes about 5 seconds searching to find many reports citing evidence of people dieing as result of it.
  6. There are plently of reports and expoerts that would tell you differently.
  7. paul simon Brian Wilson or Mike Love?
  8. 1-1 now, looks like i could be missing a good match.
  9. On itv, i can't watch though, I'm still at uni. Rangers have just scored!
  10. I liek rangers to do well in Europe, but I'd like them to do win even more so just now so McLeish will keep his job longer and Rangers can lose even more points in the SPL.
  11. What do you think will happen tonight? Another nail in Mcliesh's coffin? Chelsea and Liverpool to go through?
  12. ok, I wonder if they'll try and launch it as a completely new channel like the BBC appeared to do when Choice turned to 3
  13. America Strawberries or Raspberries?
  14. Favourite drink: Coke Cola, I've been drinking a lot of Oasis Citrus fruits recently though. A Frijj strawberry milkshake is up there too.
  15. I think in Scotland smoking in any enclosed public space is to be completely banned from May next year. The debate currently happening affects England and Wales and I don't think the Labour cabinet even understands what they're actually going to do yet. Also the "If I want to smoke then I should be able to smoke" argument is pretty weak, it seems to suggest you should be able to do anything that you want to do, that's why we have laws because there are somethings that you shouldn't be able to do, you would be better off arguing why smoking in a pub is not one of them.
  16. I can't wait for the ban to come into force, it will make going to the pub a far nicer experience. As far as I know the ban coming into force in scotland has nothing to do with the workplace but I wouldn't think many offices would allow smoking in the office anyway. The couple of times I've been in the Holburn bar since they became smoke free have been the busiest I've ever seen it. If i had my way smoking would be banned completely, sometime it is jsut as unavoidable when you are walking down the street as it is in a pub.
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