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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm just back to Aberdeen after being away for about a month. The first person I spoke to was someone jsut released form prison. Nice Guy.
  2. I have to start looking for a job now as well. After finishing my Uni placement I'm unemployed for the first time in a few years. I'll probably start out wiht high standards before running out of money and taking anything.
  3. Reading was Fantastic The following bands were all absolutely superb Arcade Fire The Go! Team Bloc Party Saul Williams Pixies British Sea Power LCD System QOTSA Arctic Monkey Saul Williams was one of the biggest suprises for me, I saw him on both the Carling stage and the Comedy and Cabaret stage. Also Bloc Party put on an incredible performance which I didn't really expect despite eing a fan of theirs.
  4. They were definitely my favourite band of Reading, absolutely superb performance. Win Butler crowd surfing was great too.
  5. At the time I would have been in a cave 100 metres undergroud in southern slovenia, but i still think I might have heard the cheers from pittodire when hte winner went in. Waht a fucking great result.
  6. yes, goodbye lenin or city of god, they are quite well know though so you might have already seen them TPBM is going to the reading music festival
  7. I dont think aberdeen is as good as third best, but itäs not bad
  8. i played for a couple of years a while ago, i am possibly the worst player ever
  9. i suppose so, but you really should just go there, if you haven´t been to your favourtite city, save up some money and go as soon as you can
  10. I´ve never been to paris, i´d like to, also i´d love to visit barcelona, but i can´t go there this year. I´ll visit them next year maybe.
  11. I am in M~{(9~}nich just now and I have to say it is the greatest city i have ever been to, whats your favourite city? Mine still could change though when i visit rome in a couple of weeks, or maybe vienna.
  12. Album of the year (going by uk release date)
  13. i bought arcade fire -funeral to replace my copy that i lost
  14. I think you're being a bit overly critical of the bends, i still think it's a fantastic album, possibly the best of it's kind. Maybe the best songs on it have been over played. But other songs like nice dream and bulletproof.. are fantastic as well. I agree Ok Computer is miels ahead of it but still look at what was before the bends and there was a similar increase in quality.
  15. we didn't exactly hand out many drubbings, apart from that 9-0 our results weren't that great, but then again they weren't that good last pre-season either.
  16. It's probably to do with this then http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4727975.stm
  17. BBC site doesn't ahve anything about it
  18. There could be many understandable reasons why he would choose ireland. One of his parents is irish, so if it that parent that introduced him to football, he could have been raised to support ireland, then when faced with the choice i find it quite understandable that he would choose the team he had grwon up following.
  19. I just bought tickets for the monday show. League of Gentleman on Sunday and White Stripes the day after, it should be good. I jsut hope my new uni timetabel isn't toobusy on mondays. I didn't have any problems with Ticket Web
  20. we don't need a national anthem for scotland, we should just try and find a better one for Britain
  21. OK computer is 10 times better than the bends, the bends is only their 5th best imo. And i would probably agree with sonic youth from confusion is sex through to daydream nation
  22. can texas get paid to play anymore? they seem to be on an endless run of free shows.
  23. yeah celtic doing badly doesn't do aberdeen any more favours than any other team. rangers are hte only team who will really benefit. I wouldn't put that much of the blame on strachan anyway. It was clear they were going like this. O'Neill jumped from a sinking ship.
  24. false, i don't know what that is TPBM does know what isketch is
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