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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Why would anyone buy a ticket on ebay just now when there are still loads to go on sale.
  2. I'm seeing them on saturdya when they support Brian Wilson, good to hear they put on a good show.
  3. At my work we get national bank holidays rather than local ones so i'm working. It doesn't bohter me that much though.
  4. Surely people who don't like the ending should be moaning about H.G Wells rather than Steven Speilberg?
  5. why does there have to be a link?
  6. Maybe when there are not 50,000 people dieing in africa every day you will no longer have to put up wiht the horrible fate of seeing Bob Geldolf trying to help people.
  7. I hadn't actually thought about this, I assume we would have heard if htey had been asked and said no, i thought they would have been asked though.
  8. That's a bit over simplistic isn't it? Al Qaida were responsible for 9/11 not Saudi Arabia or Iraq, in response to 9/11 the US and UK attaked Afghanistan whose leaders were protecting the leader of Al Qaida. Iraq would have been invaded whether 9/11 happened or not.
  9. THe bbc confirmed 33 dead as in TV Tanned's post, but they're report says that, that does not include an unknown number of dead from the bus explosion.
  10. radiohead - you never wash up after yourself
  11. When, and what happened? Sorry I have no idea what you're talking about.
  12. Aren't they already playing Glasgow though? At the SECC.
  13. Source London Blasts Claimed by Al Qaeda Today's blasts in London have been claimed by Al Qaeda's European chapter, Qaeda't al-Jihad in Europe. A statement has been posted on a site often used by Qaeda agents, www.qal3ati.com. The statement follows (translated by one of my staff here in Baghdad): Announcement on London's Operation 7/7/2005 Jamaat al-Tandheem Al-Sierri (secret organization group) Organization of Qaeda't al-Jihad in Europe In the name of God the most merciful... Rejoice the nation of Islam, rejoice nation of Arabs, the time of revenge has come for the crusaders' Zionist British government. As retaliation for the massacres which the British commit in Iraq and Afghanistan, the mujahideen have successfully done it this time in London. And this is Britain now burning from fear and panic from the north to the south, from the east to the west. We have warned the brutish governments and British nation many times. And here we are, we have done what we have promised. We have done a military operation after heavy work and planning, which the mujahideen have done, and it has taken a long time to ensure the success of this operation. And we still warn the government of Denmark and Italy, all the crusader governments, that they will have the same punishment if they do not pull their forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan. So beware. Thursday 7/7/2005 Jamaat al-Tandheem Al-Sierri (secret organization group) Organization of al Qaeda't al-Jihad in Europe.
  14. Was it a presenter or caller who said this? Either way i htink it is just that persons wild speculation.
  15. Yeah, i wasn't trying to say that this was a specific protest against the G8, I don't think it is.
  16. In a way all Al-Qaida and similar group's attack are protests against what the G8 stand for.
  17. Yesterday was the start of the G8 meeting.
  18. I'm not saying the aims were the same but the styles were.
  19. The style is almost identical to the madrid attacks, multiple bombs detinated almost simultaneously taking out the transport system.
  20. There's no chance it is the IRA, unless they have completely changed tehir current political stance and bombing tactics. The style of the attack clearly points to Al-Qaida
  21. The G8 Summit is going to continue in Blairs absence, which is abit worrying considering he was chairing the summit and the one pushing most for agreements on the poverty and climate change issues.
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