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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Also hte totally different reports on death toll is a bit worrying.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4659349.stm I think this highlights one of the main reasons behind the attack.
  3. wow insurance really is a great bsiness to be in. They'll get a bit of money and publicity from this adn tehy'll never have to pay out a thing.
  4. Reservoir Dogs The first half of Dusk till dawn is awesome. Why did they have to spoit it with those vampires?
  5. I really want to go, but i don't think I will be able to make it. Le Reno Amps are great and Unkle Bob sound as if I'd really like them.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/4651309.stm and he doesn't want otheres to either.
  7. The police have reversed their decision and hte march will now go ahead.
  8. Why are so many people on here so cynical about...well everything. This is great news, one of the worlds greatest events happening in our country. The area where the stadium is going to be built is an area of east London which definitely does need investment and revival. This really will benefit the whole country. In the end i wasn't that suprised London got it as all the talk over the last few days suggested that Paris' popularity was on the slide. Well I've got my plans for summer 2012. I can't wait.
  9. If sky news is now hte equivalent of the sun, the nITV must be on level with the daily sport. Channle 4 news is where it's at
  10. I think he will one day play for chelsea either mourinho or abramovich is desperate for him to play for chelsea, now htey have just lost out twice. I think Gerrard will leave Liverpool, I can't see them making hte step up in consistency to win the league and he wants to be at a team that is winnign things every year or at least has a good chance to.
  11. IN so many games he appears absent and dissinterested, sure when he's on top form and really up for it he can control a game, but for 35 million i would want more. Also he's over rated as is standard by the english sports media.
  12. bright eyes - we are nowhere and it's now
  13. He clearly has no idea what he really wants to do, well maybe he does now but he's certainly been uncertain over the past couple of months. Definitely staying then definitely leaving now staying again, so much attention for a quite over rated player.
  14. That has just ended any interest i have in buying the dresden doll's album.
  15. The intro to I'm wide awake... is hilarious I skip it much less than the little kid reading at the start of fevers and mirrors. Conor diesn't really have any control over saddle-creek but they promote bright eyes so much more than there other bands because they are more popular.
  16. 1. If you had a tail what colour would it be? Red 2. If someone offered you the power to read peoples minds, would you take it and why? Probaly, just becasue curiosity would make me. 3. Should I get a snake for my new flat that I haven't yet got? No 4. Why is everything so dreary just now? Is it just me or is anyone else feeling it... I am very happy just now.
  17. I stopped buying it regulary a while ago, but i still flick through it in the shops.
  18. I have grown to like Bob Geldolf more and more over the last few weeks.
  19. The gigs themselves wont make much of a difference but the fact they have been happening HAS increased awareness of the issues and put a lot of media spotlight on these issues for the weeks running up to the event. Hopefully this and the make poverty history campaign will have some effect. Unfortunately if so many people who claim to care so much about the problems allow their extreme cynicism to prevent them from doing anything about it then igorance will win again. Even if you don't agree that these methods will work at least some people are doing something which they feel can make a difference.
  20. could have been an old watch, he was married to some one very rich for quite a while.
  21. Super fact of the day Giraffes and humans both have the same amount of bones in their neck. Seven.
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