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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I don't remember much very clearly either, apart from the suprise of obly having to wait 1 minute for a taxi at 4 in the morning.
  2. The first series did have a good ending, but I liked Jack walking off into the sunset with so much being left open. There is so much more to find out about Mandy, also there have been other very high ranked people in previous series who have only appeared on brief phone conversations and have never been caught. Also i thought that Mandy looks a bit similar to Nina, may just be a coincednce though.
  3. you do? i don't remember doing any "rocking out" :O . Did you not go to moshulu then?
  4. Jack White is an awesome guitarist. Meg White > Everyone
  5. Yes i was, although i seemed to lose track of everyone by the end of the night, and somehow managed to miss the last bus home Good Fun Though
  6. What an ending! That was great and made up for this series being not as good in some parts. It will be really interesting to see where they go with it in the next series. It would be cool if they made it completely different rather than jack just forcing himself back into ctu by episode 3. Also I thought it was great how they left Audrey thinking Jack was dead, Curtis is now a hero after hilariously punching Mandy in the face and Mandy is hot, who needs Kim!
  7. I was not drunk last night, but that's not as interesting is it. I was a bit drunk on friday though .
  8. Well I've only seen a couple of songs from the glastobury set, so I can't really judge that performance, but on Smile and when I saw him live last year his voice was better than it has sounded in a long time.
  9. brian wilsons voice is in great shape, sure he can't reach all the high notes he used to, but he's not expected to.
  10. Paddy's doing well on "Who wants to be a Millionaire" He's got 500,000. Chris Tarrant asks him the big question for 1million quid. "Paddy, for 1million, who was the great train robber"? "Was it, A, Ronnie Barker... B Ronnie O'Sullivan... C Ronnie Corbett Or ... was it D, Ronnie Biggs"??? Paddy say's..."Oi'll take de money please Chris" Chris reminds him that he still has his 3 life lines left. Paddy again say's, "Nope, Oi'll take de money please Chris" "You don't want to phone a friend" says Chris. "No t'anks, Oi'll take de money - foinal answer". "OK" says Chris, looking bemused "give him a round of applause ladies and gentlemen, Paddy goes away with 500,000. However before you go, you'll obviously want to know what the answer was Paddy?" Paddy said "No, yer alroight, Oi knew de answer anyway, t'anks Chris" "You knew it anyway! .... are you mad!!!" asks Chris. "Are you mental?" Paddy says, "Oi moight be mental Chris .... but Oi'm no feckin grass!".
  11. Maybe Spiderland by Slint, I just can't see what the fuss was about.
  12. I can't think of any channel who provides better coverage for any festival they show.
  13. If i was going the faint would probably be the band i'd most like to see, as they're my favourite band out of the ones i haven't already seen.
  14. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25936 it's been moved to the aecc, and also i believe it is the scottish live 8 which is on wednesday the 6th
  15. really? heroin? crack cocaine? They're worth the danger because of the fun are they?
  16. I would consider watching it outside somewhere, but probably wouldn't at home, becasue it would be far more fun, better atmosphere and if the weather sticks to how it has been it certainly wont be cold.
  17. I don't know why they didn't just put it in duthie park, who cares if it already gets other events, at least it's a nice enough place
  18. The weirdest one i got, called me a cheapskate for saying that the prices of drinks in the tunnels aren't that bad.
  19. I think that the Murrayfiled gig on wednesday the 6th is being shown at seaton park.
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