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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I got about 30, but surely it would have been 100 if only i hadn't persited in posting in hte music assoiciation thread.
  2. Sonic Youth: SYR1: Anagrama Sonic Youth: SYR2: Slaapkamers Met Slagroom Sonic Youth: SYR4: Goodbye 20th Century Kim Gordon & Ikue Mori/DJ Olive : SYR5 Sonic Youth : A Thousand Leaves
  3. I've seen bits and pieces, but i've taped a lot of it so i can watch it later, the white stripes were awesome, the stage lloked amazing. Brian Wilson was just fucking fantastic.
  4. yeah, won it two years in a row, having obviously been entered the second time as holders.
  5. A classic and quite easy question Which team has won the European Cup twice but only won the league (top diviosn anyway) once.
  6. I think it was Hungary beating England, but i can't tell you the score or when it was.
  7. I find it funny that their ripping off a band who could possibly get more pissed off with this happening than any others.
  8. Which Saudi Arabian Player scored a goal at USA '94 after running almost the full length of the pitch.
  9. ok, i would love it if it was the big suits at nike who done it and not some random in a design studio.
  10. HaHa this is brilliant, I would love it if Nike did it on purpose
  11. the start was just delayed, only 6 bands had their slots cancelled and most of those will get anohter slot at sometime during the weekend.
  12. so i take it this is still the current song?
  13. hmm..the dog was called pickles what was the name of the columbian player who was shot for scoring an own goal that knocked columbia out of usa '94
  14. what was the name of the dog that found the original after it was stolen in england, in 196?
  15. damn, logan beat me to the patrick moore joke
  16. Actually Brazil were allowed to keep the original after winning hte competition 3 times, it was stolen in the eighties and never found.
  17. 13 Teams entered the first world cup, it was in uruguay so amny teams didn't want to travel. opps, too late
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