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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Hmm i quite like dark side, although the syd barret stuff does intrigue me.
  2. I wouldn't be too hopeful to be honest. Thom has bee nquoted as saying the he next record wont sound like anything they've done before, but they have misled people before, saying amnesiac would be like the bends, that they were going to do an album of 3 minute pop songs etc althoguh that is usually ed. I would expect Jonnys work with the bbc national orchestra to maybe be an influnce, but who knows i just hope it's good.
  3. cool, wish you were here would have probaly been the next one i got if i buy another soon, i've heard good htings about it form other people too.
  4. A couple of bits of information on the radiohead album from .greeplastic.com News from the studio May 12, 2005 10:30 AM - Posted by Jonathan EXCLUSIVE! The band recently got together in the studio to play through new material, with reportedly 15 songs that they are working on with two of them described as "already done and amazing." They are in high spirits and happy to be playing together. The band first got together back in January and Thom played a bunch of his new songs for the others. Having never heard the songs before, the rest of the band just jumped in and started adding their own parts. The whole recording process has been described as "unorganized" and very different than the way Radiohead has recorded before. We've been told that the new album should be finished by December with a release date in Feburay or March 2006. Touring will possibly begin in February 2006. We'll have more information very soon... More news from the studio May 17, 2005 10:32 AM - Posted by Jonathan It's still unknown at this point whether or not Nigel Godrich will produce this album. As you may know, Nigel has been an important role in the development of Radiohead going back to The Bends and is often referred to as the "sixth member" of the band. We do know that the band have been working alone with Nigel popping in every now and then to see how things are going. Thom has also given him CDs of new material. Nigel is currently working with Paul McCartney on his latest album and will most likely join Radiohead in studio once he's done. Another question that remains unanswered is how this new album will be released. Radiohead fulfilled their contract with EMI with the release of Hail to the Thief and it's unclear if they will be resigning or going with another label. It's also possible that they may try and release this on their own, but that's just our speculation. We'll keep you updated...
  5. Yeah' date=' especially with the likely hood of having to change pitch. I was speaking to my cousin (who is a pars fan) the other day and he is saying they should not settle for less than ahlf a million! You certainly wont get that form us though. :O
  6. i'm not sure we'll get byrne, depends how much dunfermline try to hold out for, i hope we do because i think he and severin would make a good partnership.
  7. Favourite songs Radio / Video ViolentPornography Old School Hollywood After a acouple more listens i'm liking even more, still not sure about bits of byob though.
  8. i got mine replaced too, but my points went up by more than one. I dont really understand the system, sometimes my points appear to change by 2 or 3 for one comment, or do you only see one comment if you get more than one point for the same post or something else like that?
  9. Cool ! Dive dive were really good when they supported reuben, i'll make sure i get along.
  10. yeah being able to reply would be quite good, the say no to drugs bit, still confuses me.
  11. It doesn't really bother me, i was just saying that i really don't like them. In my opinion though latter day radiohead is brilliant. Radioheads albums 4-6 > Radioheads albums 1-3 I've only heard two full pink floyd albums so I can't really comment but one of them is "the division bell" which i believe is a later album of theirs and it's just shit. I think this is going slightly off topic though.
  12. Im incredibly confused as to why i lost a scene point for this with the comment "say no to drugs". ?(
  13. erm i thik it would have been russia who were close to beating them to the moon
  14. My Chemical Romance are probably one of the worst bands around just now, and they have a really bad name which annoys me. Their video for i'm not ok or whatever is the worst thing anout them though. Maroon 5 > My Chemical Romance yes they are that bad.
  15. theres a petition for everything these days http://www.petitiononline.com/mcogdvd/petition.html it was a good show though
  16. theres been hail stones on and off for the last couple of weeks, don't think there's been any actual snow though.
  17. cliff richard and the shadows - the young ones
  18. apparantly the evenign express today is saying that hearts may have up to 12 players out for sunday, has anyone seen this, are they mostly first team players?
  19. The channel 5 programme, provided evidence to dismiss any moon landing conspiracy. THe paul mcartney thing is jsut stupid. all conspiracy theories are stupid.
  20. I know of a few big system fans who think it is their best, i don't but then i think steal this album is the best adn most people don't seem to like it.
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