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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Fuck sake. It was discussed last week. Everyone knows this thread moves at the pace new episodes are first aired. Captain America who started the thread said so himself. I put a warning in the post to be polite to any idiot who had forgot this.
  2. Lallana should be in the team before Welbeck.
  3. Agreed. Excellent season. Much better than last year.
  4. Right, with the Cole question answered the rest of the squad had become more or less predictable. What will be much more interesting is who will make his starting 11.
  5. That's not true at all. My parents wouldn't have a problem with me being gay. I however can not rollerblade for shit. The hardest thing is definitely not falling on my arse. Not that I've tried in the last 15 or so years. I learned my lesson.
  6. Heart were abysmal until the last couple of months and Locke has often seemed out of his depth. The board had to decide whether the recent upturn in form has been due to good work he has done or simply a result of the players being free of pressure. I don't blame them for thinking the latter.
  7. Mondays don't get much better than having a day off work and excellent episodes of Game of Thrones and Mad Men to watch. This season of Game of Thrones could easily end up being my favourite, it's been utterly brilliant so far. **Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen this week's episode** It was great to see a council meeting again, I always love those scenes. Lots of Vaerys in this episode too which was very welcome. The final scene is obviously the big moment from this episode and Tyrion demanding a trial by combat already has me desperate for it to be next monday as soon as possible. I think we have to assume that he will again choose a champion to fight in his place. My bet is that he will first name Bron who it seems obvious has sold out to Cersei and / or Tywin but I'm not sure Tyrion has got that yet. So assuming Bron will not fight for him he will then ask Jamie who will then be in a very awkward position.
  8. I think Cole probably should have gone, but it at least is a good sign that Hodgson is willing to pick young players in form. I dislike the retiring from international football thing though. He should be willing to play again whenever needed. Even if it is just qualifier away to San Marino and he's only wanted because Shaw is injured and Roy want to rest Baines for a bigger match three days later. Be like Becks. He'd be begging to play when he's 85.
  9. Can anyone link to a page giving a summary of how the new curriculum works?
  10. The Intertoto cup seemed to start before the previous season had even finished!
  11. I most definitely spoke a lot of shite at 15 but I at least would have wrote it in way that didn't hurt the brain of anyone trying to figure out what I was trying to say.
  12. The old curriculum clearly failed in your case so why not get a new one? Seriously, so much of your post is unintelligible. I certainly don't have any clue how this new curriculum works.
  13. You're right, actually the relegation battle was rather shit in the end.
  14. They can't all be like 2012. It still being undecided going into the last round of fixtures automatically makes it better than many other season but it would have been nice if West Ham at least went ahead to provide some doubt.
  15. I don't know why players or coaches would ever make any predictions about anything ever. It can only make them look stupid.
  16. Hibs in the play-off. I hope they win it but I wouldn't bet a penny on that happening.
  17. Vincent Kompany on football focus just said that "you could get to the quarter finals of the champions league without really breaking a sweat." Does he not remember how City did in the last 3 seasons?
  18. What a fucking moon moon.
  19. I'm not sure we're supposed to talk about these things on here but why not just torrent whatever you want?
  20. I watched this some more. Still amazing.
  21. Then there's this thing called Netflix.
  22. Reading through the first couple of pages. Bunch of snobbish cunts. First couple of seasons of skins are fantastic. A lot of what came after was over the top but at its best it was great and had a lot more going for it than the inbetweeners which as much as I loved it can be quite one note.
  23. I didn't know this thread existed. Coincidentally I've been watching both shows over the last couple of weeks.
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