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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. no and out of the two teams in the final liverpool are the boring defensive team, so milan will have to score first to force liverpool to attack if it is going to be a good game.
  2. I honestly dont know if it was a goal or not, if the linesman was right on the line then he would have had the best view so i'll accept it. I wouldn't have said it should be a sending off for cech though. Simply put we didn't score and liverpool did, we didn't even create many chances, so liverpool deserved to go through. I think it will take a game like last nights for them to win the final, but it wouldn't be impossible. As for the six minutes, i know people wouldn't have stopped speaking about it if we had equalised, but looking at it porperly there was however many substitutions 5 or 6, referees have to add 30 seconds per substitution, there was one injury which held the game up a bit and a "fan" ran on to the pitch on two occasions. Six minutes was fine. one more thing. Eidur Fucking Gudjohnson
  3. we need robben to save the day. we've controlled the midfield we need his ability to make the vital pass or run to cut through the defence. I wish those commentators would shut up about glen johnson. He's shit.
  4. It's all that fatty friut you're eating
  5. i thought it was pretty flawed how they didn't actually ask about scottish independence, surely this would have a big effect on your snp score no matter what you answered to the other questions.
  6. Well i agreed with a certain element of what he said. I dont think we'll all get killed though.
  7. I'm not against devolution, which is very different from independence, I am very pro euro and would actually like to see a single european state which some say would happen. Obviously i wouldn't vote ukip or tory. Actually i'd like to see a single global state, but unfortunately i fear the world will never be ready for this in my lifetime. Your argument seems to suggest that if oyu have any view on scottish independance you should vote either snp, ukip or tory which is just stupid.
  8. i'll be in reading, where i will have seen the pixies on the friday.
  9. Liverpool 1-2 Chelsea if it starts off tight and edgy, which is how i imagine hte game will go, however i dont find it unreasonable to think chelsea could win this 3-0.
  10. well said I'll be voting Lib Dem as I agree with them on the majority of their policies, although I actually think labour owuld do the best job on a couple of the most important issues to me. THe SNP election broadcast last night didn't even mention a single policy of thiers I could never vote for them it would feel as wrong as voting for UKIP.
  11. Liberal Democrat 55 Labour 47 Scottish National Party 39 Green 31 Scottish Socialist Party 14 Conservative -21 UKIP -26
  12. not another shrek film, they're so shit. Justin Timberlake is cool though.
  13. no, but than i suppose it all comes down to what kind of bass playing you prefer, i wouldn't consider cliff burton for my top 100 bassists, if i could think of 100 good bassists.
  14. I saw it and really liked it, i'd only seens bits of the tv show before. My friend who i was with ahs read the books and seen the tv series and thought it was great and possibly preffered it. I find it funny that people have similar criticisms of this as i have heard poeple say of the tv show who thought that that was a major let down compared to the radio series and books.
  15. People should have better things to do than spend their time counting calories (or carbohydrates as is cool at the moment). You can eat mcdonalds if you want and still be perfectly healthy. People today seem to have extremely warped view on food, everything is good or bad, due to extreme scaremongering marketing by health food groups and poeple wanting to sel lthe latest book. If brass eye was being made today i'm certain there would be an episode on food.
  16. wasn't intending to watch it because i think the whole idea is absolute shit, but i did see about 10 minutes of it. The content was as shit as the idea. McDonalds food is good.
  17. same for me, apart from i escape at 5:30
  18. noel is much funnier and he has some sense.
  19. from what i hear it doesn't really matter whether you read the book first or see the film, its not as if this is a typical book to film thing, the radio series, books, tv series and this film are all jsut different interpretations of a story. I believe that there are always big inconsistencies between the different interpretations.
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