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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Daniel Craig http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,12589,1453249,00.html
  2. he also gave hope to alot of fascists whose regimes had crumbled
  3. http://www.tacticalvoter.net/?show=index& interesting site, pretty much aimed at destroying the tories hopes of success
  4. At least it looks likely that if labour win again, they will not have a huge majority this time around, meaning htey wont be able to bully their way to getting anything through, in the same way.
  5. stereophonics - a thousand trees (thats s a song isn't it )
  6. I don't agree wiht the popes beliefs or like what he stood for, but but to a lot of people he was the most important person on th planet, and the immediate days after his death is not the time to put him down and criticise him. Certainly there was no story more important to more peopleto be worthy of a front page story.
  7. I too find the snp's attitude towards Europe (which i do mainly agree with) a bit contradictory. The thing that annoys me about the independence argument portrayed by the snp, is they want people to believe that we are being ruled and controlled by England and that they wont let us have our "freedom", when actually Scotland and England are both part of one nation which they both entered willingly and the majority of Scots are happy to keep it the way it is. So many of they're arguments are completely irrational, it's not surprising that they gained more support due to a inaccurate Hollywood portrayal of a Scottish terrorist, than any of their own work.
  8. Maple are great, the album is fantastic.
  9. most americans are stupid, most britons are stupid, face it, most people are stupid.
  10. my hero went downhill after they started having kids
  11. finch are horrible live, even more so than on cd.
  12. my family is far better than little britain.
  13. the coral - i remember when oops too late
  14. Gordon Brown's runnign of our economy is imo hte best thing about the labour government, and the one thing that would make me consider voting for them.
  15. The argument shouldn't be whether Scottish independance works, but whether it would work better than the status quo.
  16. I meant negative in the way they operate, i don't find the independence policy negative or positive, it's just one i dont believe in. My country is indepentant. Scotland is just an area of that country, as is england, wales and northern ireland. The worst thing about this election, is that the only likely outcomes are that, the counrty stays the same, or it gets worse.
  17. Well i dislike the snp, one because i completely disagree with many not all of their policies, but it is the way they operate which really gets me. They are by far the most negative of parties. In my area they are known to have used campainging methods which they are not allowed to. Generally most SNP MP's or MSP's from my experience are determined to stir trouble in any way possible if there is the slightest angle they can use against another party. They take false information and conjecture to the people in the press on their side to "create" stories with the aim of stirring up trouble, the list goes on.
  18. why am i lazy, for stating an opinion?
  19. I'll be voting lib dems, who currently hold my constituency. I'm looking forward to the snp failing miserably at these elections.
  20. I was quite suprised to hear how close that poll had it, i also heard that of people definitely going to vote, the tories are ahead
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