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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. It's a little known fact that actually 82% of professional footballers are on loan from Chelsea to another club.
  2. It's a little known fact that actually 82% of professional footballers are on loan from Chelsea to another club.
  4. I think you might be right but after the first one I doubted I really needed to hear a second album from them but ended up liking the second even more. So I'll give their song writing ability enough credit that it doesn't matter if the sound is exactly the same.
  5. There's a posthumous Michael Jackson album coming out soon. One of the tracks is called "Do you know where your children are?" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xscape_(album)
  6. I just found out that Pains of being pure at heart released a new album last month. Anyone heard it?
  7. There' nothing more annoying than Norwegian's wanting to speak Norwegian in Norway.
  8. Michael and his big book of football commentator cliches is one of the absolute worst.
  9. Marina isn't actually an area I'f ever really go to. The only place I can think of is Ovella Negra which is a massive beer hall type place. It's not bad, the beer is pretty cheep and it has loads of pool and fussball tables. You might have to put up with large groups of annoying erasmus students though.
  10. Is that good? There's one reviewer on the guardian who loves it but I've not really heard much else about it. And quite obviously Gotham will never reach the heights of the OC.
  11. I listened to EP 1 when it came out but really wasn't very impressed so haven't been in a rush to hear more.
  12. No they're not. You're just self centred.
  13. I think I've heard crisps referred to as chips once or twice. However I have also heard Americans say crisps after spending time with Brits.
  14. If anyone is seriously concerned with the welfare of animals that they eat then they would either be vegan or only consume very expensive products.
  15. BAN THE JOKES! Down with this sort of thing!
  16. It's an uncountable noun like, sugar, paper, information, advice, traffic and a bazillion other things which you wouldn't expect a native speaker to have a problem with.
  17. I would guess it's someone who no longer posts like Stripey. I haven't noticed many being locked lately, just the moon moon one the other day. I found that one being locked a bit odd.
  18. Just had an interview, think it went well. Fingers crossed, I could be leaving Poland and going to Poland!
  19. It's a weird system, no surprise that Scottish Football Executives thought it up.
  20. I'm pretty sure I read that LIverpool would have been in breech of FFP if they'd have been in Europe.
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