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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Ninos du Brazil describe themselves as mixing "techno and punk with bespoke Batacuda carnival rhythms". I don't know what Batacuda is, but I like their new album a lot. Fantastic percussion.
  2. Holy shit Liverpool have just completely bottled it. RAWK must be going mental. Losing to Chelsea was one thing but you can't give up a 3-0 lead in a match like that and have anything to complain about if you don't win the title.
  3. Glad it's appreciated. When I have a moment I will add the songs which I posted on this last page and there's a few others from further back which I forgot about at first.
  4. Funnily enough he also works for a take-away Indian restaurant.
  5. This is quite incredible. If I see anything better than that today, I'll eat my hat.
  6. Watching TV shows on TV??? This is 2014! If we were allowed more than a minute to edit our posts I could add some spoiler tags. Maybe a mod will do it if they think it's appropriate.
  7. It's Monday, everyone know's the new episode is out by now and should stay out of the thread until they've seen it.
  8. Brilliant episode this week, probably my favourite of the season so far. And one huge piece of information revealed, Baelish was behing the murder of John Arryn!!! The way the information was just blurted out felt a little forced and the only off moment of the episode but I'll overlook that. Suddenly Littlefinger's scheming is on a whole other level, he was behind events which triggered so much of what's happened during the entire show. Think back to his speech about chaos being a ladder, it has extra significance now.
  9. Yes he played, but was largely ineffective. He didn't stand out as much as he has when I saw him before. He got the ball and made simple passes but was never under pressure, he didn't really make any attempt to move further up the pitch and really take a hold of the game
  10. I'll take the pre amp booster if it genuinely is in a godly condition.
  11. I don't think there's anyway to get them before the festival itself. I've just been looking at the schedule and planning who i'll see each day. A few clashes but no really hard decisions to make.
  12. I can't remember exactly what the deal is with the Auditori stage. I've never seen anything there. I think maybe you just go to there early and ask for a ticket for whoever you want to see and they give them out until capacity is reached. I don't think you have to pay extra or anything.
  13. I went to Barca B - Cordoba today. Cordoba won 1-0 moving them into 7th place which will work out as a play off spot because Barca B in 3rd aren't eligible. It was funny that this match actually reflected what's been seen in a lot of the main team's difficult matches. There were 21 players in one half of the pitch for most the match but no penetration. Last time I saw them play they scored five but today I never expected one. No cutting edge at all. The finish for the Cordoba goal was class though.
  14. They spent about half the Mata money on Matic didn't they? Still you're right they made money in the window.
  15. Cavani would be more expensive wouldn't he? I know that's not normally an issue for Chelsea but they are trying to stay withing FFP rules and PSG and Cavani himself would probably ask for crazy sums of money. Costa won't be cheap but I imagine it would be less. I think Costa is also well suited to the Premier League but I'd have some doubts about him purely based on the fact he's only had one really top class season. I see that Marseille will be the cool team to watch next season. Bielsa has just signed a a deal there. Wish he'd come to England or back to Spain. Spurs should have got him.
  16. According to some reports Chelsea and Atletico have already agreed a deal for Diego Costa to move in the summer and they'll announce it once the season has finished.
  17. http://youtu.be/kdUyJ97f1dI http://youtu.be/wHoggbyp6qw
  18. http://youtu.be/l2QUxkgFBhY http://youtu.be/BUVytuyGnS0
  19. Here's a tip. Walk around the city with your arms in the air shouting, "FOUR NIL TO THE ABERDEEN!!! FOUR NIL......"
  20. I've just got a job interview confirmed for next week! Maybe I should read this thread again. I think I'm quite good at job interviews these days anyway, I tend to only apply for jobs I know I could do well anyway. I'd be shit at blagging my way through an interview about something I was unsure of
  21. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/hundreds-mourners-pay-tribute-murdered-3485098
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