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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I listened to a couple of their tracks a few months ago and had a similar first reaction. Haven't thought about them much since but I might check more of their stuff out now. This track i good.
  2. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/may/01/qpr-higher-wage-bill-than-atletico-madrid
  3. Nice piece by Jonathan Wilson http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/may/01/the-question-is-this-the-end-for-tiki-taka-football It's good to read a well thought out and balanced argument when so many others are only interested in making big extreme statements about the sport based on one or two matches.
  4. What's wrong with some nice simple illegal torrents?
  5. It's a confusing time for the lad. He's only just come out. Everything's a blur, All the media tells him is that people you call father but are not really you're dad are supposed to try and abuse you. How is he supposed to feel when thrown this curve ball?
  6. having no history in software design I didn't chuckle and I think you're a loser geek!
  7. Great game tonight, at least for the first 70 mins. After that it might have seemed all over but also an old man in the bar started distracting me by going on about his parents moving from Germany just to Spain just after world war one. He also claimed to share my birthday and gave me his business card. Anyway back to the footie. I am delighted that Chelsea's extreme negativity in the first leg cost them dear. They go the balance wrong, when they could have easily gone for an away goal. It is a fine line though and at 1-0 if they'd held out everyone would have said Jose got it spot on. However if you rely so much on a solid defence, mistakes will cost you and Atletico were excellent in causing and making the most of them. Second half especially. I loved how they came out in the second half and really went for a second rather than try and hold on to an away goals win.
  8. Best advert ever? And this one hasn't been mentioned. What a bunch of shits.
  9. Why is oil capitalised? Or even mentioned at all.
  10. I think he's more than won over the fans this season, I wouldn't be surprised if he was their player of the season.
  11. True, I just found the idea of him stressing about getting his Linkedin profile high up on google to help him get weekend shifts at McDonalds quite funny.
  12. Have I missed something here? Isn't YoungA staying on at school (or going to college maybe) and just looking for part-time work? Some of this advice seems a bit over the top.
  13. Pathetic, that man who wrote the books is clearly an idiot. Thank god for those TV guys changing everything to make it good.
  14. Job interview? Little bit of speed is just the ticket.
  15. Exclusive picture of YoungA
  16. Pitchfork have a song from the new Sharon Van Etten album http://pitchfork.com/news/54983-sharon-van-etten-shares-new-song-every-time-the-sun-comes-up/ I don't think there's anyone else around just now who I like so much just for their voice. She could sing dull tuneless songs and I'd still get something out of it. Thankfully this song is neither of those things.
  17. I'm obviously not going to read that article but when it comes to ages I remember reading right back in season 1 that a lot of the main child characters are older in tv show. For the better I'd say. I'd have never bought Rob Stark being a little pubescent King of the North taking on the Lannisters.
  18. it was very well done. the scenes with Don just hanging around in the office and no one really sure what he was doing there were great. I'm sure the partners offered him a deal they thought he'd say no to. Old Don would have said no but I think for the moment at least he genuinely wants to work and prove himself. How Lou will handle it if/when Don proves himself more capable than he is will be very interesting.
  19. This is the point we tried to make at the start of the thread though and maybe it's hard to understand when you are coming from the angle of someone who has read the books. I don't want to hear about the differences between the two. Not now anyway. Once it's all finished in the future I could find it interesting but for the moment I don't want that conversation as part of my experience of the show. It partly comes from another forum where it became clear that a zero tolerance policy was the only way forward. Any book mentions whatsoever lead into dangerous territory and risk spoilers, even if they are just small ones.
  20. I'm not just gutted, I actually get just a little bit angry when I think about it. That is silly, but there really is no reason for it. With Breaking bad it at least lead to 3 extra episodes overall and it worked with plot. Mad Men is getting one extra episode and at this point it's hard to see how or why there'd be a clear plot division in the two parts. Agreed completely about Don and Sally. Their scenes together in the second episode were top notch telly. On the last episode I really didn't expect Don to get back into the company so soon but I'm happy he did. It will be very interesting now with those conditions he agreed to.
  21. Me too but an all Madrid final could be a great occasion. However I think Chelsea will get through tomorrow.
  22. Primavera stage times have been announced.
  23. Real couldn't have done any better this half but it's a shame that the contest was effectively ended so early. Both sides are still playing decent stuff though so I'll keep watching.
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