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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I read that too. I thought it was ridiculous to say that, he's shown himself to be a terrible director if his intention was to show consensual sex because what happened on screen was clearly rape and it will always be that way in viewer's minds.
  2. Holy fucking shit. You could probably get him a few quid delivering leaflets too.
  3. I have no idea how old he's supposed to be. He might look even older than he's supposed to because he was really young in season 2 and time in real life has obviously moved on quicker than it has in the show.
  4. He has said he plans on quitting acting after Game of Thrones and I think that is probably one of the main reasons.
  5. That story is getting more interesting now. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what happens there in the next episode. Danaerys can have a couple of weeks off.
  6. I feel for you moon moon, it's quite a shit situation and I guess show's exactly why coming out must so difficult. You may often never know exactly what some people's thought's on the issue are.
  7. There's more than one "king" in the show but I assume it was this guy? I'm sure he's from your part of Poland. Spoilered for size
  8. I disagree. We're supposed to follow all the characters stories and see everything. I'll accept the planning of the murder being kept off screen in order to have a bigger impact but it wouldn't have felt right if we didn't see people talking about it even after.
  9. I'm glad we got the Joffrey mystery solved quickly. Watching the Lannisters be in the dark while we know is much better than having any mention of it kept off screen just to keep viewers wondering.
  10. The current season of Mad Men has been really great so far, right at its best. Is anyone else watching?
  11. Can't wait for Primavera Sound. It's been a good spring weather wise so far so hopefully won't be a repeat of last years freezing temperatures at night.
  12. Thinking about the that last episode it really feels like it was intended as a final episode and then at the last minute they decided they could have another season.
  13. https://vine.co/v/MvgqYJzeTVj
  14. He's in the new Fargo TV series!
  15. Everton score two own goals. Saints fans sing "who needs Rodriguez, we've got your back four".
  16. Desperate Housewives had one of their very best seasons afterwards. But the more I think about that Parks finale the more I feel like they wrote it as the end of the show and then at the last minute plans got changed. Is there any possibility of that?
  17. I've been considering signing up to twitter just to follow football people. I'm still not really sure how it all works though.
  18. I was planning a fairly quiet weekend as in the last one I went to London and spent most of my energy and all my money but then I found out a friend is here visiting over the weekend so I feel like I should go out tonight but I think I might fall asleep in a club. Weather is supposed to be good tomorrow so might go to the park in the afternoon with some friends. Sunday is all about football!
  19. Parks and Rec has been hard to keep up with due to terrible scheduling. The season seems to have been divided into about 6 sections. It's been past it's peak for a while but has maintained a decent level and is rewarding to long time fans. I re-watched all of The Office (British) last week. It's without a doubt my favourite British show of all time. I watch it fairly regularly but something I hadn't seen in ages is The League of Gentleman. I loved it back in school and have just downloaded it all to give a long overdue repeat.
  20. Agree with all of that, it does seem a very good point to end it all. So is the next season.. going to be set 3 years in the future? Have they just done a Desperate Housewives?
  21. And yes there was the drunk phase. Actually can we get that period deleted along with the homophobic thread. Lets just delete everything more than a week old and we'll never have any embarrassing post history. Exxcept moon moon who's posts are embarrassing after a second.
  22. Sounds about right. There was definitely a Mr Burns avatar for a period. I posted in phases in the past but then there were times when I was abroad and not have internet access for months at a time and I stopped visiting the site. Eventually a while later once living here I came back and stuck around. Even though it was less busy I found it a nicer place and got into posting more I think. And not living in Aberdeen it became a good source of AFC news in this thread.
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