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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I will not be pleased if Tyrion gets the chop. Thankfully I don't think he will. As much as they say no character is safe I think there are a few such as Arya, Tyrion and Danaerys who I'd would happily bet will be there until the very end. Or at least very near to it. I think they are favourites of the author and wouldn't be killed off just for shock value.
  2. Very sad news, it's crazy to think that a just year ago he was the coach of one of the biggest teams in the world and led them to their record points total. The man's a machine, a football post machine. I'd guess that the vast majority of my posts are from the last 3-4 years though, I could have a silly amount if I posted as much in the old days but there was no reason to back before the internet could handle funny gifs and embedding youtube videos.
  3. It does look like same old story now in hindsight but for a while there was a feeling that it could be different this year and they had a real chance. They would have if it weren't for injuries I think.
  4. That will be remembered as the best climax of course but this will be remembered as a better season and title race over all I think. It's really been between 4 teams not 3. At christmas Arsenal were leading and Liverpool weren't even considered in it making it pretty much unique as far as premiership seasons go if Liverpool do win it.
  5. This is completely off topic but I've just noticed you have only 523 posts. How is that possible? You seem to post as much as me on here and I just went over 10k.
  6. I'm just finding it hard to get overly excited about the battle for second place. It definitely feels like a come down after going for a cup double. Anyway as I said I think we'll get second even if we're not great over the remaining games I think we need 5 points from the last four games to get third. 4 would probably be enough if we don't lose to Motherwell.
  7. Exactly Chelsea will play a very good side, Jose is just talking shite. Liverpool are in the driving seat but it's definitely not over. European places still have to be decided and the relegation battle is so tight. Aberdeen's season more or less ended with that semi final loss for me. I'm struggling to get excited about the fight for second. I think we'll get it without playing particularly well.
  8. You're going to ignore the ending to the best premiership season in years?
  9. Danaerys on the throne at the end with Tyrion as hand and Arya is Queen of the north. Everybody's happy.
  10. It's hard to ever get excited about a Chelsea game but they have shown that they can really go for it and attack teams when they think it's the best option. The Arsenal thrashing was a good example. There's not doubt that Liverpool can be shaky at the back so I'm hoping Jose will put more hope in exploiting that rather than containing their huge attacking threat. That is probably just wishful thinking.
  11. I'm not sure I like the idea of everyone teaming up to face the whitewalkers. It seems a bit too much like bad fan fiction. If the show turned into good humans against evil dead creatures there wouldn't be much interest in it. I like the whitewalkers in their role as being a mythical cause of fear to those in the north but I don't really look forward to them being involved much more. Agreed on Davos, he's a great character. I' was very happy he survived Stannis' madness. I'm more and more coming to the idea that Tywin might have been involved in the killing, it's just too convenient for him.
  12. The last few days I've felt like the only result I could see is a Liverpool win but now that makes me think Chelsea will do it, to surprise me. It'll be interesting to see if Chelsea do rest a load of players. If they rest the guys who played in midweek (which seemed like all defenders) they might put out an attacking game and give us that keegan scoreline.
  13. Tito Vilanova was rushed into hospital yesterday and was operated on. Before I went to bed last night I read a rumour he'd died but thankfully that doesn't seem to be true.
  14. Not quite sure what I think of this yet but it got my attention.
  15. Benfica - Juve is very nicely poised. I usually can't watch any of Europa games because I work late on Thursdays but as next Thursday is a holiday I'll be able to see the second leg.
  16. Yesterday's Guardian had an article by Russel Brand about Moyes and the United job. I didn't read it because I don't care what he had to say about it but I suppose it's a good example that this job really isn't like others in British football.
  17. I've read a couple of interviews with Ferguson in the last few years where the interviewer mentions that they had to arrive at Carrington at something like 7am because it was the only time in the day Fergie could give them half an hour. He might not have been leading training everyday but I get the impression that for a club that size he was overseeing and directly involved with more aspects of running the club than anyone else would have been.
  18. It shouldn't but there are plenty of examples of coaches never fully recovering from a bad job.
  19. From the outside it does look like a very good fit and it would be a nice sign that he is still recognised as a good manager despite his Man U failure.
  20. I agree, I like the Whitewalkers too so it's not as simple as being against any fantasy element but at least we know where they come from and how they can be stopped. There's still some order to it.
  21. It's amazing how some people can be so set in their ways. He must have been aware that most people would consider that approach wrong and upset many people yet he still pushed on certain he had the right ideas. The Bondi incident is written about here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-united/10778462/David-Moyes-failed-to-learn-lessons-of-Bondi-and-was-out-of-his-depth-from-moment-he-replaced-Sir-Alex-Ferguson.html
  22. There was a good conversation on the latest Football Ramble about how Moyes just didn't grasp how big of a club Man U are and was unable to make the step up. It included a couple of stories I hadn't heard before. Apparently a few years back he took his Everton players on a very successful team bonding trip to Bondi Beach and he tried to do the same thing with the United squad. Of course this was impossible because of public interest in the team and ended up with players hiding from fans on the roof of a bar waiting for transport to take them away. I think all the talk in the Summer about how the club and fans were prepared for a rough patch made Moyes think he just had to aim for 4th place rather than aim for the title but top 4 being acceptable this year. Certainly from listening to him it never sounded as if he seriously considered his team title contenders.
  23. I've never really been into the magical aspect of things as much either. I hated it when Renley got killed by some mysterious black shadow the red lady gave birth too. I watch for the great characters and all the back stabbing politics of it all. I don't want people dying just because a medieval Debbie McGee turns up and waves a wand. The animal possession falls in the same category.
  24. I don't really mind that to be honest. I can tell his story is going interesting places soon but it's still never really engaged me. I think it's just because I find Bran annoying.
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