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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Her story needs to get more interesting soon, it has just reached that point of repetitiveness. I can't really see what they can do with it though. It seems clear that eventually it is intended for her to reach Westeros in a position of power so either she keeps marching towards it more or less unopposed or she has some big set back which she then has to recover from. Either way it's hard to see it not being a repeat of what's gone before.
  2. I wouldn't say Bayern were the better team, they had more possession but struggled to create clear chances because Real defended extremely well. Unlike Chelsea they managed to do while maintaining a real attacking threat themselves. I think it's unfortunate for the tie that Bayern didn't get an away goal, that would have left it very evenly balanced but now Madrid can sit back and potentially kill the tie with an away goal on the counter.
  3. Ancelloti's position is probably a lot more secure than it was a few weeks ago. Winning the copa del rey and getting further than Barca in the Champions League than Barca will please the board a lot but still they have let managers go after winning the Champions League so it's not impossible he's leave if they fail to win either of the big two. It would obviously be a stupid move. Barca are going through a bit of turmoil and Atletico could well lose a couple of big players and struggle to be so consistent again next season. The last thing Madrid need to do is rock the boat on purpose.
  4. Real got everything pretty much spot on tonight. They are in a great position to make the final now.
  5. I think this is as big as factor as any, as discussed before pretty much any other person linked with them appears unavailable in one way or another. Plus they just seem to want someone who knows how to coach big players with big egos at a big club. In that sense I think he is a great choice. I have my reservations about him being the right choice for them due to the fact that he tends to cause quite a bit of mayhem wherever he goes. I would like to see it though.
  6. Just read that it won't be and so they will be able to sign players in this transfer window. What is it about appeals that take so long to do? Not just in football. That Italian bloke is being allowed to buy Leeds just because the appeal process in Italy take about 5 years.
  7. That was always going to be the next step. The big question is whether the appeal is resolved before the transfer window opens or not.
  8. Any time I've been in a "rock bar" in the last few years 90% of the music played is what I would have expected to hear in 2002.
  9. A good example of how some people in mainstream pop will try to simply throw a load of trendy sounds together and produce total crap.
  10. Every football hipster with his copy of Inverting the Pyramid under their arm knows what Pep tried was from the early to mid 20th century and not the 19th Seriously though, that article was interesting. As someone who only really sees Youtube highlights of Bundesliga games I hadn't realised that Guardiola had been experimenting with such formations. Some would argue that his obsession with tinkering and being unpredictable cost his Barca team at times in his last season or two. I find his experimentation a very attractive quality as a coach but it can definitely be problematic when it doesn't work.
  11. Hopefully tonight's game will be very different. Surely this one can't be 0-0.
  12. I wish he had played 19th century football. I'd love to see an old school 2-3-5 formation in the champions league.
  13. Chelsea were pathetic tonight and I'm fed up of people acting as if everything Chelsea do is some master stroke of Jose's. One person on the bbc feed said that he was a "tactical genius" because they were going all out attack and could attack at the end of hte second leg. It's one tactic, one even I could have thought of. I'm no genius. So many of the comments seemed to treat the match as if Chelsea were some huge underdog playing the greatest team ever. They are fairly evenly matched teams and with the importance of the away goal Chelsea should have been far more adventurous.
  14. I forgot that this season of Community only has 13 episodes. I didn't realise I was watching the season finale until the end of the episode. Anyone watch the first episode of the new TV series version of Fargo? Very promising.
  15. Never doubt Fernando on the big European nights.
  16. I thought Chelsea were are home tonight for some reason. As it's in Madrid I'll go for an Atletico win, whether Chelsea score a goal or not will be hte most important thing.
  17. Tonight's game should be good. It'll be tight for sure but I think Atletico will score. I'll say 1-1 which will leave it in a very interesting position for the second leg.
  18. It is interesting that there are a lot of coaches that people think would be right in a couple of years time but not now. Martinez to Arsenal sounds like a great fit but surely he wont move after only one year at Everton.
  19. Good point, PSG would obviously have the advantage when attracting anyone motivated more by money than football prestige. Maybe they'll try and work behind the scenes and see if anyone is available and keep Blanc in place if they don't find anyone. Actually I bed they'd go for Wenger.
  20. I would imagine that Champions League success might be even more important to the PSG owners than City as it's more important to their global brand and financial income. The premiership is so widely watched that competing for the top places generates a huge amount of interest and income all around the world. PSG won't sell the number of shirts they want or receive the big sponsorship offers just from being the best in France, they need to be seen as competing with Bayern and Real Madrid. Losing in that very meek manner in the second leg against Chelsea will be costly for Blanc I think.
  21. Rodgers is an interesting comparison with Moyes. His first season at a really big club wasn't a huge success but there was enough of a positive feeling about the way he handled himself and his team played that the board and fans had no doubt he was worthy of more time. I know he and Moyes took over their jobs in very different circumstances but I will always believe that Moyes' manner, the language he used in interviews and the way he set his team out were as big as factors as the poor results in costing him his job.
  22. Champions League failure would be the main reason I guess. I think there's a perception they've actually gone backwards since last year in their aim to win the tournament. I just did a quick google search and found out that their president came out in support of Blanc last week following lots of rumours of his sacking. Time will tell whether that was genuine or the cliched vote of confidence before a firing. Winning the league will never be enough for PSG, not now they've made the playing field so uneven.
  23. Most French football experts seem to agree there's no way PSG will keep Blanc for next season. Conte has shown himself to be much more capable but language might be an issue.
  24. Hiddink is about to take over the Holland job. Blanc hasn't proven himself to be that good, he's getting the sack in the summer for sure.
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