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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I agree with you and I don't think it's limited to Hillsborough and football. It seems that when some events reach a certain level of public consciousness it becomes necessary for people to show everyone else that they care as much as possible. And if you don't do the same it must mean that you don't care. I Remembrance Sunday is another example. There's a set time for the whole nation to observe a two minute silence and that can be a very poignant moment.I don't think anything is added at all by every football match observing another minutes silence. Last year there were some minute silences at games over a week before Remembrance Sunday because it was the closest match that club had to the day. To me it just came across as fake and tacky.
  2. I'm I the only one who thinks of Bart's Casino every time I see that name?
  3. Oh I've just got. You win this round! I feel obliged to go back and rep that post now.
  4. Oh I agree it's absolutely ridiculous. It does seem to be a thing just now though. The Trilogy Tapes and Opal Tapes are both quite cool in the techno world right now and release music on cassette. It just seems like a pointless nostalgia exercise.
  5. Interestingly this Uefa statement http://www.uefa.org/about-uefa/administration/news/newsid=2088774.html suggests the possibility that Courtois might end up playing without any fee being paid. If that is the case then this is exactly the draw I wanted.
  6. Real Madrid v Bayern Munich Atletico Madrid v Chelsea
  7. Great Joy of Six about goal scoring keepers http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/apr/11/joy-of-six-goalscoring-goalkeepers Includes some ace youtube clips including a keeper getting his 100th career goal from a 25 yard free kick and a keeper dribbling half the length of the pitch before firing into the net.
  8. I have been watching a lot of Limmy's Show the last few days.
  9. I haven't seen them mention the pitch after the match. It would be very weird if they did since the grass was cut yesterday morning. Barca like a moan as much as the next team but from everything I've seen after last night's match they've accepted they were just second best.
  10. They didn't make any official complaint about it, they just said they thought the grass was a bit long and Atletico said that it was getting cut the morning of the match. It's not like they have blamed the grass for their defeat. And it's hardly worthy of a news story.
  11. Apparenty Ronaldo might be out for a little longer than first expected. He'll miss the copa del rey final and maybe the first leg of the semi final.
  12. That's not really true, you have often started the jokes about it yourself. There's nothing wrong with it, especially if you find it easier to be open about it on here than at school or whatever but it is a bit funny that you complain about people going on about it when it seems to be all you've talked about the last few days.
  13. I was reading about that match very recently in an issue of The Blizzard. (most football hipster sentence I've ever typed).
  14. https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/1380397E8C1065757852423155712_13970706638220c79be80ed.mp4.mp4?versionId=BuGuWyVYNvZrqEO9Qk9hNqD27dWhwptt
  15. Replays for finals. Those people in the past sure were crazy.
  16. I think they would pay it for a one off game in the final but I'm not sure about a two legged semi.
  17. Atletico winning the double would be the second best achievement I've seen in my life. The first will be Aberdeen's cup double and 2nd place this year.
  18. The most impressive thing about Atletico is that fatigue hasn't really caught up with them yet. In some league games they have looked a little tired but got through them but in the big games there's not a sign of it. They've competed on three fronts most of the season with quite a small squad. Everyone seems to accept that not having European football has benefited Liverpool this season, it's amazing that Atletico are on course for success on both fronts. I hadn't realised until today that Atletico would have to pay Chelsea are large sum of money if they want Cortuois to play against them. Load of shite.
  19. You seem to be setting different criteria for what is a shock in relation to both matches. Only considering this seasons form for the Bayern - United match and 15 years of history for the other.
  20. I have never left any job on bad terms. You should all hire me.
  21. You're right about the result, I'd say the big shock was how comprehensive the victory was. All the other matches they have played have been very tight, I don't think anyone expected Atletico to outclass Barca so much last night.
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