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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I feel like maybe you HAVEN'T been taking your crazy pills.
  2. Chilling bananas is much worse than thievery in my book. And no I've never tried it. I'm not going to.
  3. https://twitter.com/thesundaysport/status/447042097938309120/photo/1 Better not have any food in your mouth when you read that headline.
  4. I haven't come across this in a long time but it certainly used to annoy me a lot, especially as there was a time almost all the music I listened to would have fit in that category.
  5. I'm not sure it was a foul, but if it was a foul it was definitely a red.
  6. The game was fantastic, especially the first half. Best clasico in years.
  7. And I like everyone else have no idea what the hell went on there with the sending off.
  8. I am watching and I suggest that Captain America should be put on suicide watch. The Aberdeen-Music user, not the super hero. Or are they one and the same?
  9. Have you ever seen anything as bad as this? http://youtu.be/KLFBEMTq3wo
  10. I swear you will never see anything like this again!
  11. Let's get this thread back to its real meaning. Just got home to see this on my new feed.
  12. I lost my wallet at the weekend (league cup celebrations may have contributed) and today I got a call from the police telling me that it had been handed in. And even better when I asked him what was in it he listed everything that had been there. Not a thing taken. Made my day.
  13. Never heard of this idea in my life.
  14. The French can say it all they like but for our purposes we should use one of our own lovely prepositions. I bet UKIP would agree.
  15. With you on that one. It does my head it. Especially on a coach where there is hardly any space to begin with. I never put my seat back if someone is behind me.
  16. Of all the common mistakes people make with the the English language I think this might possibly be the least annoying. Writing "en route" is a load of nonsense and changing it is good.
  17. They'd be fighting to play on that side. Or just constantly switching to confuse the poor lad even more. I'm giggling at the thought of it.
  18. I generally stand on the side of rehabilitation and letting offenders move on once their punishment has been served and as long as he'd only be playing football at a low level I'm okay with it. I'd have a problem if in a similar situation a player was going to return to a bigger club at a professional level where players are role models to kids celebrated by fans. That obviously isn't the case here though. I'm amazed he wants to play. He'll get a ton of abuse wherever he plays even if there are only 20 fans watching a match.
  19. As I said i was being relative, I think Olympiakos (and Galatasaray) were clearly a level below the rest in the last round. And after selling their top goal scorer they are now weaker than earlier in the season. Buttner in the next round must be a frightening prospect for all United fans. Robben as you say would destroy him and if Real got them I know what wing I'd stick Ronaldo on. Shitty hola is not working at the moment so I can't watch this
  20. They should have stayed in Swindon and left us all alone.
  21. Really? I don't think there's any way Moyes would get the best of Mourinho over two champions league legs.
  22. I think it might be the strongest QF line up I can remember. Some people are saying that the best draw United could get is Dortmund and they were last year's runners up. I'm really looking forward to the draw. I just hope the teams from the same countries get kept apart so we get a bit more variety in the matches.
  23. I'll give you odd of 10-1 on that.* *You have to come to my flat to collect any winnings.
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