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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I see Moyes has said that they can win the Champions League now. He's obviously wrong but it's the right thing to say in public, earlier in the season he said they weren't good enough which was a crazy thing for Man U manager to do.
  2. I think so too but I think United will win that game.
  3. I don't think it will be a turning point, they won't really turn around until Moyes is able to step up to being a manager of a club that size which sadly I doubt he ever will. They deserve credit for turning it around last night but Olympiakos are shit for a team in the knock out stages, they should be able to beat them easily. I think this will only be a very temporary boost, a bad defeat to city next week will see the dark clouds return. And there are very very few matches when playing Giggs in the middle is going to be the solution to anything.
  4. Lazy journalists just write a load of crap about Mourinho whatever he does. I generally ignore any article I see with name in it these days.
  5. Maybe, i've not been counting articles. But I've definitely heard a lot of praise for him, especially on the guardian podcast. And I've read articles praising him for changing tactics when required. Sure there may have been more articles about Mourinho saying hello in a press conference but the mainstream media are never going to talk a whole lot about tactical issues.
  6. I'd like to see these quarter finals Man U - Real Chelsea - Dortmund Bayern - Atletico Barca - PSG
  7. I saw that one pop up earlier today too, didn't get it either. I found it especially odd as the person who posted it was always going out to priory and getting pished when I last knew her in real life.
  8. I think Rodgers has been getting plenty of credit. At least in what I read and listen to he's had a lot of praise. I've actually found it a bit odd the way the media is so positive about their title chances when they have been so negative about Arsenal's. Even when they were leading. You'd have no idea they were on the same points by reading most of the press over the last few weeks. Can't believe United have fucked this up. They should have accepted going out, now they will have the embarrassing fate of playing a good team in the next round. Hope they get Real.
  9. I've only seen a couple of these selfies on my facebook but it looks like a backlash to the backlash has led to some people donating money to try and prove it was worthwhile. So it looks like it has turned out okay even if I find the original premise quite strange.
  10. Aberdeen aberdeen aberdeen. aberdeen aberdeen aberdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. aberdeen aberdeen aberdeen. aberdeen ABER DEEN
  11. I thought there might be a response like that but seriously I haven't enjoyed reading an article as much as that in a while.
  12. Love this article http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/mar/14/xavi-barcelona-champions-league-spain
  13. Gutted if Pawlett can't play but aside from on here all other news suggests he will. So I'm remaining optimistic.
  14. Fantastic news that McInnes and Docherty have signed contract extensions. Sunday afternoon is too far away right now.
  15. The Meatball Mariner: Submarine adventures A hit new kids tv programme.
  16. Friday: May go out at night, not sure yet. Saturday: No plans at all, I'll probably watch a lot of sport and get stressed thinking about the final. Sunday: Try to pass the time until the football. A couple of DJs I really like are playing at an afternoon thing at a museum in town. If we win I might go down for a celebratory dance to the last couple of hours of that or maybe just stay and drink too much in the bar. If we lose I will go home and sulk.
  17. Plus there's no way Costa would have moved.
  18. http://noisey.vice.com/en_uk/read/youneedtohearthis-say-lou-lou-everything-we-touch
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