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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I did actually write that after episode 11 without seeing the remaining episodes.
  2. I watched the first episode of Inside No.9 last night. New show from the makers of League of Gentleman. It was decent, I'll watch the others. All the episodes so far are on iplayer.
  3. "Fuck this shite match, I'm just going smack it."
  4. Did anyone watch season 1 of The Americans? Season 2 started in the US last night with a pretty great episode.
  5. New album from The Roots coming soon http://consequenceofsound.net/2014/02/the-roots-new-album-and-then-you-shoot-your-cousin-is-coming-soon/
  6. If there was such a high demand that the game would sell out, the club wouldn't have to force people into buying tickets. New or not, it's a shitty thing to do. As said before, clubs are arseholes.
  7. Considering how far away United fans come from to get to the games it's very likely a lot of them just aren't able to make it to some midweek matches. Bit unfair to be punished for that.
  8. I'd really never heard of it until now and it's making me a little angry just thinking about it.
  9. He has only moved very recently though hasn't he? In fact if I remember what he said in an interview I read, I'd say it was more he was able to move because he had some success.
  10. Ex-board internet sensation Loackah has his debut album out soon. http://www.residentadvisor.net/news.aspx?id=23826
  11. The new Katy B and St Vincent albums are both pretty good, the new Dum Dum Girls is decent too.
  12. If it is true then it is highly embarrassing for the club. It would be no matter when it was sent, bullying people into buying tickets for meaningless group games would be one thing but it's a knockout second leg, there should be huge demand! The timing, though, just makes it even worse.
  13. Cup games used to be included in a dons ticket. I was not happy when they changed it.
  14. The executive sounds like a total dick head.
  15. It would be a huge mistake for them to take Fergie back. No matter how well he did in the short term it would just re-enforce the idea that he is irreplaceable.
  16. Cry wanking over pics of Fergie and Cristiano more like!
  17. However he might actually be dead by now as SodaJerk has been suspiciously quiet this morning. Must be busy.
  18. I'm always doubtful when I see news on websites I've never heard of.
  19. The commentator during the match last night said that Celtic are something like 15 points better off than they were this time last season. I know that is mostly due to them dropping points when distracted by the Champions League last season but could you imagine how exciting it would be if Aberdeen were only 6 points off the lead just now. There end result would inevitably Celtic winning the league of course but it would be close enough to dream.
  20. I can't see Lennon leaving. I don't think his stock is high enough to get him a job offer which would tempt him away and for reasons mentioned already I don't think there's any chance he would be fired. Now that Celtic can't achieve an unbeaten season, they really have nothing to play for. It would have been embarrassing if they had achieved an unbeaten season because they are not a special Celtic team at all.
  21. I think it's debatable, the replays don't I've seen aren't from the best angles to see if Ambrose would have got across. As said though it's just a nice feeling to get a debatable call from a referee against Celtic. There's nothing in the Reynolds hand ball though and anyway Forest's goal came only a minute or so later when I don't think the ball had even been out of play. It didn't affect the game.
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