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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'd previously said that he would definitely get until Christmas next season. I wouldn't put any money on that at all now as the worse it gets the more realistic possibility his sacking becomes. I think him leaving in the summer "by mutual consent" is now a strong possibility. Whenever it happens I think tonight's match will be looked upon as a key moment. He's just not doing himself any favours, leaving Januzaj out completely isn't going to gain him any credit. Reading comments online it seems as if many United fans saw it coming as soon as the team selection was announced.
  2. I have it but not got round to listening to it yet.
  3. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhWk6-bIQAA8is9.jpg:large
  4. They had one shot on target apparently. I think some United fans would like one shot at Moyes.
  5. Moyes started Valencia and Young. Deserved loss.
  6. I will probably watch it and Hoop Dreams too which I read a bit about after your recommendation and sounds interesting. I watched another documentary last night, called Dogtown and the Z boys, about surfers who started skating in swimming pools. It was ok.
  7. Great win even if the second half got very nervy at times. I think we allowed them to pressure us more than we should have at times but we defended well.
  8. Maybe it's just because it's a top tune.
  9. What a goal from Hayes. 2-0 up at half time, couldn't have asked for more.
  10. Turn your sound system up to 11 and Boyce Avenue's music comes alive man.
  11. The game is on Red TV International for those in Poland.
  12. I will never ever call it WWE. It just sounds so wrong to me. Anyway if I were to talk about it I would probably be referring to the period when it was called WWF so I'd consider that correct. Last film I watched was this http://youtu.be/gSqMw8UtOvw I'm not really a fan of basketball but this is the second time I've watched this. Perhaps the best sports documentary I've ever watched and the footage of those two players does make more interested than the sport than I usually am.
  13. This is very true but there's still nothing with people taking the piss out of them. People slag off music I like all the time, I'm pretty sure you have, but it doesn't bother me. In fact I'll often be happy for the opportunity to talk about it.
  14. this is really fucking awful, deserves to be the worst thing i've ever heard thread.
  15. As a Scotland fan this qualifying phase should be exciting, as you said there is a realistic chance of automatic qualification, a play off spot and missing out. However as a neutral football fan the jump to 24 teams really has created a pile of shit. The good teams that you want to watch will all stroll through to the finals. Platini talks about boosting interest in international football but this really is the wrong way of going about it.
  16. The raping the family comment is the best.
  17. Remember this? http://www.theguardian.com/football/video/2010/oct/06/liverpool-football-club-dear-mr-hicks I'd completely forgotten about it, it's so amazing. Tough group for Scotland, especially Gilbraltar.
  18. Bloody with they had made the second two films better.
  19. Agreed the Rooney contract is designed to maintain a certain image for the club. Personally I'm amazed he doesn't get more stick from fans for the way he's taken the piss with the club. Is that three times he's been desperate to leave only to sign a new contract for additional mega bucks?
  20. Well that last part is just something we'll have to differ on. I think it should be football countries which get it. Of course I object to the conditions in Brazil as well. The quote "The governing body insisted that as part of the bidding process, all bidders had to accept that there could be a change to the schedule at Fifa's behest." means nothing to me, FIFA can say that because they like to make any demand of a host country at any time. According to Auclair (who I would trust more than any member of fifa) the tender documents did state they were bidding for a June/ July world cup. That's the reason why Australia will probably sue Fifa if the competition does get moved. Sepp Blatter maintained for almost two years after the bidding that the competition would be in summer. It is good to hear there is a plan in place for the stadiums.
  21. parts 2 and 3 http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/pitchside-europe/special-report-qatar-2022-football-denial-over-winter-071430853.html http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/pitchside-europe/special-report-human-cost-qatar-world-cup-073411368.html
  22. I don't know where I heard it from, I remember it being widely reported. If that's not the case then I'll accept that. As I said it's far from my biggest problem with Qatar holding the tournament.
  23. That's not what I said at all. I said fans going to a world cup would want to drink while on holiday and I think it's inconsiderate to hold the competition in a place where this is supposed to be impossible. It's far from my biggest problem with Qatar getting the competition, it's just one of them. Now it looks increasingly likely that it will get changed but the officials awarded Qatar the tournament to be played in stiflingly hot conditions that would without a doubt affect the quality of the football.
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