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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I think it's a real shame that Pep and Ibra didn't get on and that move didn't work out. It's often forgotten how well he performed in the first half of his season. He scored in something like 10 consecutive matches in la liga and was key in big matches too. He did give the team the other option Pep wanted. He scored this great goal to win his first clasico. A great cross in from deep from Alves which isn't exactly the typical Barca move. He also scored two goals in the champions league match at the Emirates. Barca played some of the best football they ever have in the opening half hour but hadn't actually got the ball in the back of the net, then a more direct approach resulted in two goals from Ibra. It really was personal issues that led to his failure at the club and not any inability to fit into the team. It was really sad to see when by the time of their exit from europe against Inter Zlatan wasn't even trying. Valdes covered more ground than him in one if not both of the legs. On an unrelated note, I've decided what Arsenal need to do to win tonight. Bring back Dennis.
  2. I think it seemed a little odd at the time as he is more limited than the rest of their midfield but Milner is right that to play the role he ended up being given he had the attributes to fit into the team.
  3. His form hasn't been great this season but otherwise his signing has actually been very successful. It took him a while to settle but by the end of his first season he'd made the transition to centre back and was playing excellently and starting most games due to injuries. His signings was the one thing Pep often got criticised for at Barca but Mascherano was a good one. I thought Messi looked okay last night but he was playing coming too deep too often. A great couple of matches tonight, I hope Atletico play their best and beat Milan like they should. I really hope the Arsenal - Bayern match is very open, loads of goals.
  4. Are they #bangerz or dull shites like their covers?
  5. Youtube hasn't offered me any original songs just cover versions but this Boyce group are one of the worst things I have ever heard. 1D should be ashamed to have toured with them!
  6. Have you been planted as a fake 15 year old as part of some kind of Daily Mail run 21 jump street type programme?
  7. I don't know what that is. Some terrible teenage thing ruining the country I'll bet. There'll be loads of drugs too I'm sure. All legal highs of course, that's what's cool these days the papers have told me.
  8. Actually having just looked at their website you're right, it does say you have to be 18. Sorry.
  9. I think you have to be 16. Which you may not be but I'm sure you could pass for easier than 18 and it's not unusual to not have ID at 16. I remember wanting to stay in places like that when I was 16/17 and the only problem we ever had was that we wanted to spend as little as possible so we;d sneak more than 2 people in a room.
  10. Honestly I don't really see you having any problem being able to stay anywhere. Stop worrying about it and just book somewhere.
  11. I immediately thought of that video when reading Scorge's post This converstion was sponsored by cool thinker. Do kids today really listen to happy hardcore?
  12. All the characters are awful people. Except Freddy.
  13. A travel lodge shouldn't be any problem, the only issue would hiding the fact that 4 of you will be staying in a room and not just 2 but that's really only a minor inconvenience.
  14. I didn't completely realise it was one single shot at the time either but I read about it after and then re-watched it paying specific attention to the camera work that second time and was really impressed. I've had that thought about 2012 too. After the last episode I think there'll be more about 2002 than I had previously thought. I read an interview with a writer that referred to the season as having three clear acts, in which case I could imagine the final episodes featuring much more modern day action. I'd like to see more from the two "company men" investigating in the present day. It does indeed.
  15. City were very disappointing tonight. They decided from the off not to take the game to Barca and allowed them to look as comfortable in possession as they have against any top side away from home in recent years. Even under Pep I don't think there was a time Barca were in such a strong position after an away first leg. The penalty was a a clear foul and red card but whether it should have been awarded as inside or outside the box is debatable. It is, however, another example of how that rule is overly harsh. A red card and a penalty is an over the top punishment.
  16. Cool, someone to chat about it with. Episode 4 spoiler that last scene with the robbery that turned into the big shoot out was insane, and amazing that it was filmed all as one shot. Episode 5 spoiler This whole episode was crazy, couldn't believe it when Marty shot that guy in the head.
  17. I seem to be the only person who doesn't hate that celebration. It just doesn't bother me and now I've got to the point where I actually enjoy it a little because of how much everyone else gets pissed off by it. I haven't paid RAWK a visit in a while, I'm sure it's still bat shit mental but the Liverpool fans I'm aware of seem to have calmed down a bit under Rodgers.
  18. The following page doesn't seem to have any more. It does however is me saying this. I kind of miss when I hated Liverpool so much. I'd like to get that back.
  19. Enough of that nonsense. The Champions League is back tonight. CHAMPIONS LEAGUE! The City - Barcelona match should be a cracker,I'm really not sure what to expect either. I've got a feeling it will either be something like 2-2 in which case I'd bet on Barca to progress or for City to win 3-1 and have something to protect in the away leg.
  20. I'm surprised it hasn't started on SKY already. Canal+ is showing it only one week behind the US over here. McConnaughy's performance is brilliant. I've never seen him be so good.
  21. Is anyone watching True Detective? Best thing on right now and the first season is shaping up to be one of the seasons of tv drama I've ever seen. 5 of the 8 episodes have been shown now and the last 2 really stepped things up a notch. The last episode was one of the best hours of tv I've watched in a long time.
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