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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. The bbq ribs guy was also in the wire, so there is a connection to Lester Freamon.
  2. A combination of today starting with a hangover, having no plans for the entire day and the show being so good have meant me completely failing to have any restraint. I'm probably going to finish it tonight. Episode 11 the secret service guy threesome was a completely what the fuck moment. I can't think of any other reason for it either. The only really significant mis-step of the season.
  3. I've watched the first 4 episodes of HoC now. It's very good and I think it is a lot better than the first season so far.
  4. Curbishly must be fuming. Bad year for Rene, sacked twice.
  5. Just watched last night's highlights show. Only half an hour, is that just because there wasn't much British stuff to show? Surely they could have shown half an hour of other events. Pathetic.
  6. There's only one creek in town!
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03wyszd New Creek! YAS! Will probably be shite but still I'll get excited for now.
  8. I remember almost nothing about him. Was he a massive coke fiend like?
  9. How much was Tommy Wright? 50k?
  10. Second goal had so many little things wrong. Vidic's pointless little header. Carrick deciding to flail around and claim a free kick while Sidwell was bursting through. De Gea not ding better with the initial save. No one reacting quicker than Bent. Also is Tim Sherwood the luckiest manager in the league right now?
  11. I'm catching up on last weekend's highlights. I don't think it matters what system United play when they defend like that. What a shambles of a pair of goals to concede. Destroyed by Steve Sidwell.
  12. Januzaj played in a very advanced role, he was often higher up than Welbeck. And when I say 4-4-2 I don't mean they are playing two traditional forwards. Call it a 4-4-1-1 if you like.
  13. Of course formations are as fluid as they have ever been but I have definitely seen United set out in a shape closer to 4-4-2 than anything else. Caveat that I haven't watched them in that many matches lately. It was 4-4-2 against Chelsea, it actually kind of worked in that game though despite the loss.
  14. I'm not sure to be honest who I'd choose in a straight choice but as they haven't been getting good results lately I think they should be trying different things and if they are just going to stick Mata out wide in a 4-4-2 then it was a colossal waste of money signing him.
  15. I have to agree. I've also been watching the hourly highlights programme and it should be a lot better. I'm finding Claire Balding quite annoying which I never have before. Going on and on about stuff like #lovecurling and making jokes about the doubles luge is infuriating. Just show me some sport for fuck sake. The half pipe snowboarding has probably been my favourite thing of the last couple of days.
  16. They can switch, and I think Rooney can play out wide better than Mata anyway. He'd do it differently, coming in from the wing more direct making runs into the box rather than just wanting to drift in laterally.
  17. He just needs to stop playing his shite 4-4-2
  18. Rooney, Kagawa and Mata behind RVP. The three of them buzzing about causing mayhem.
  19. Moyes wont fucking play anyone good through the middle. They spent fucking loads of money on Mata, don't stick him out on the wing, let him play where he wants. Huge win for Liverpool last night. Imagine they didn't have to play Kolo, they might actually challenge for the title.
  20. According to this he was lying and not blowing up, merely bubbling. http://www.xlr8r.com/features/2014/02/bubblin-lockah
  21. I'd never thought about that (teams doing shit on purpose to get draft picks). I don't even care much about basketball but the NBA pisses me off. Oh lets play 5000 games for each team just so we can eliminate almost half the teams before the play offs. Shite. If I had the money, I'd by the NBA and change it all.
  22. I haven't heard the back story to that so I'm not aware of all the details but I think the man from the Zoo is arguing his case a lot better than the news presenter who just seems to want to stoke up controversy and push the interviewee into saying something controversial. They surely would have been better served by having another animal rights expert with a differing view who could have debated with him.
  23. I'm not sure whether Mourinho would have been the best men for the job either. I agree with you that a stop gap manager would have been the best approach but the way that Mourinho tends to cause a lot of upheaval at a club could have had long term damaging effects. It all depends how well he would have got on with the board I suppose.
  24. Which to be fair, is him being his usual self.
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