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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. You know I was just thinking about it in the shower and I decided I cam out too strong in support of the change every 3 years theory. My main point that I initially wanted to make is that I don't think a coach only staying for 3 to 4 seasons should be seen as a bad thing or overly short term. I think it is a perfectly healthy period for a manager to be in charge of one of the top clubs and there's a world of difference between that and a club changing coaches 3 times in a period of 2 years like Chelsea have often done. Regarding the Mourinho thing there's not really much either of us can say to end the debate, it could go around in circles forever. My final word on it is that you're obviously right no one had advance warning that Ferguson would leave this past summer. However I believe Mourinho had long dreamed of being the one to take over from the man he apparently highly respected and saw himself as being up to the challenge of taking over the job when most people saw it as a poisoned chalice. I think he would have considered the timing of Feguson's departure as perfect for him even if he had already had some initial talks with Chelsea about going back there. In the end though it does come down to second guessing a man's private thoughts so we will never know. As for Moyes I agree with a lot of what you say, I have said very similar things myself. It is correct to talk about the scale of the job in taking over from Feguson and I agree the change was always going to lead to some problems and a period of less success was almost inevitable. Having said that Moyes at the moment is doing a worse job than I imagined and there are signs that he might just not have what it takes for this job and no amount of time will make a difference. I hope I am wrong about that, as I've always liked him but he needs a change of approach.
  2. It's not just a personal hunch, it's an opinion based upon reports about him, quotes from people near him and interviews he's given over the last ten years or so.
  3. Almost everything Mourinho did last season indicated he wanted to go to United. Plus they may not be proven but the number of reports claiming that he was angry and in tears about not getting the job suggest there is truth to it. Football teams go through cycles and need fresh impetus every few years. Only a very few special coaches have ever overseen more than one highly successful cycle at the same team. That's what made Ferguson so special, he oversaw many but he still had periods every few years where the team's performance dropped as he changed personnel and moved the team on from one phase to the next. United don't have to change their coach every few years but in my opinion to get maximum success the best approach is probably getting the most out of one coach for a few seasons before changing to another. Of course that is a highly risky strategy but you have to take risks if you start very season targeting the league title and champions league.
  4. Mourinho had nothing to drop, all he was doing before Moyes got the job was sitting by the phone waiting for a call from United. I'm happy Moyes has been given time but at this point you could argue that almost any of the managers who have been sacked this season were less deserving of losing their job.
  5. Over the past couple of years I've started to tear up at almost everything. It doesn't have to be a well made film it can be shit reality tv, the news, sports etc. I'm an emotional wreck.
  6. Mourinho would have jumped at the chance in the summer. It was blatantly obvious he wanted the job.I'd be surprised if he ever went there now thought after not getting offered at that time. And Ferguson was an aberration, if United want to consistently remain a top side then they are going to have to accept changing coach every 3/4 years.That's how long cycles for top teams last.
  7. Yes I would imagine they would absolutely love a manager like Pep for 3 or 4 seasons.
  8. I've been a defender of Moyes so far this season but it's becoming harder and harder to hold that position. He's making some baffling decisions which put the spotlight on him when the team fails, the weak squad argument was only really valid when talking about failing to keep up with City and Chelsea etc but some of these recent performances against weak opposition have been abysmal.
  9. Absolute perfect week. Couldn't have asked for better than that. Got a feeling we might get a certain team in blue in the next round.
  10. Fucking magic. Well deserved win and we after it was 2-1 we had the better chances of another goal too.
  11. I don't think there's been an over reaction at all, it's a shame there wasn't the same level of criticism towards China when Beijing hosted the summer games.
  12. The Ice-Hockey has a fucking shite format. The Women's tournament at least the Men's might be different. The Women's competition is divided into two groups, the top 4 seeds are in one group and the 4 shits in the other. The top 2 in the good group go straight to the semis while the bottom two have to play quarter finals against the top 2 of the other group. I hate it when organisers do things like this in sports. If it has to be seeded place two of the top four in each of the groups, if they are the best they'll get to the semis but if they fuck up well then it's their fault and they deserve to go out at the first stage.
  13. I've been sick all week and although I feel a lot better than a couple of days ago it's not quite completely shifting. So tonight will be a quiet night so tomorrow I am okay to spend the afternoon in the pub. Potentially go to the pub for the dons game and stay there for both the rugby matches. Then hopefully remember to send myself home before it gets too late because I have to get up and go hill walking on Sunday.
  14. two years of work? you can't even do 8 minutes!
  15. He'll be waiting a long time by the sound of it.
  16. That's the second mad own goal in Barca's favour in as many weeks.
  17. I enjoy a good amount of the winter olympics although it suffers a bit from me having no idea who anyone is and not really caring who wins. Ice Hockey, Bobsleigh, Skeleton, Speed Skating, downhill skiing and ski jumping are all great. Cross country skiing and all the figure skating can fuck off. And I don't really know why but Luge is crap in comparison with the other sliding down ice sports.
  18. I've seen loads of mentions of it one message boards and some in the papers but it's only come up twice on my facebook feed. One was a video someone who thinks the idea is stupid did as a piss take after being nominated and the other was a link to a guy in South Africa who wanted to change the challenges from drinking to giving food to the homeless. Do other people really have their newsfeeds dominated by their mates downing bottles of vodka?
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