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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Very surprised at that, mostly because it goes against the impression I have of Swansea being a sensible well run club. He should have been given to the end of the season at least. In my mind there was no way he would have got them relegated and so there wasn't really that much to lose in keeping him. I'm not sure how in demand he'll be in the summer, I'm sure he'll get an okay job but this sacking will just strengthen his one season wonder reputation which will put off the bigger clubs.
  2. But if her word is all you need for proof then surely you should have considered him guilty 20 years ago when she first made the allegation. (Or whenever you first found out about them).
  3. I've been thinking a lot about this the last couple of days and I have to say I've found it difficult to reach any satisfactory conclusion in my mind. I strongly believe in the idea of innocent until proven guilty but also believe as much support as possible should be given to victims of crimes like and hate the idea of children being scared to come forward because they have no proof. When I read some opinions on the case there seems to be some grounds for believing the idea that it's a fabricated allegation fostered by a mad Mia Farrow but then I question whether I'm actually just wanting that to be true. I am a fan of his films and would have to admit to being biased in hoping he's innocent. I then read other opinions and swing the other way and think he almost is certainly guitly. At the moment I kind of feel stuck in the middle and like I'm being unfair to both parties. One thing that I learned from the Daily Beast piece which really surprised me is that Soon-Yi was never his adopted daughter. It's amazing how something can be misreported so often that it just becomes widely accepted fact.
  4. He was a great actor, one of the best of his generation. He's been in some great films, some not so great ones but even in the bad ones he did a good job. Most of the films I like with him he played a supporting role (e.g The Big Lebowski) but films he was incredible in the lead role of films like Synecdoche New York and Capote.
  5. I was referring to Jake's post.
  6. Pathetic bottom of the barrel level trolling.
  7. As far as I remember there was a huge outpouring of sympathy for Amy Winehouse when she died, at least in the British media much more than I've seen for Hoffman. From your first post I thought the point you were trying to make was that non-celebrities who have drug problems deserve as much sympathy as famous people but from that I'm guessing now you actually meant the opposite.
  8. People often seem unable to see a drug addict as nothing more than that. They hear of someone dying from an overdoes and just assume the person was some scumbag who got what was coming to them. It's only when it happens to someone they knew either personally or through the media that they appreciate the tragedy of the case.
  9. Agreed, I read a report on the match in the Guardian this morning and the comment section had loads of people who thought it necessary to say they don't like the sport, it shouldn't be called football, why do they call it a world championship (do they?, that a British newspaper shouldn't be reporting on it because no one here cares about it etc etc I just don't understand the thinking. I never comment on articles about say Horse Racing which I dislike and almost certainly don't properly understand. I just don't think about it and I certainly don't get angered on the few occasions it is deemed worthy of a presence on the home page.
  10. YoungA it may not matter to you what people on a message board think about you based on spelling mistakes and poor grammar. However I'm sure there are many other situations (e,g your exams, future work environments etc) where you wouldn't want the same to happen. Your explanations for making these mistakes often reveal that they are not just a result of a concentration lapse or auto-correct or anything else other than your own poor grasp of the language. I don't mean to have a go but you should take all the comments you get about this as a sign that it is something you should try to improve at. Not caring is only going to be harmful to you.
  11. The Wolf Of Wall Street - 10/10 Fantastic film. Absolutely hilarious at time. The only disappointment was that Matthew McConaughey's character is not in it more.
  12. A lesson for us all. We accepted YoungA once and now he's here forever.
  13. I didn't know those stats, interesting. Who do we want in the final? Caley obviously the better team but obviously are results against Hearts this year are nothing to inspire confidence.
  15. Relatively obviously. Not winning either of the last two has me a lot more worried than I was a few weeks back. We didn't really play well against Hibs either.
  16. I wish the radio would stop talking of Aberdeen as such favourites. Am I the only one nervous as hell about this match and worried that we're coming into it in a slightly dodgy patch of form?
  17. I've never tried tofu and I'm not sure I ever will.
  18. I think Chelsea voted in favour. I could be wrong. You're right about Man City's current state but it will only take a few years to get them in a more balanced position. The point still stands that FFP won't do anything to increase competition at the top. In fact for the competitiveness of the league title City and Chelea's billionaires have been great.
  19. My point is that after the big initial spend City and Chelsea can make enough through legitimate sources to comply with FPL. The billionaires don't need to fund them anymore. They might be slightly restricted but they are still going to be in the top 4. Financial fair play isn't go to do anything to help Everton or Newcastle when the top clubs make so much in shirt sales and world tours etc that it doesn't matter if their owners invest or not. If there's a salary cap players will go to a league where there is no cap. If Fifa introduces a world wide cap a League will split from Fifa and pay bigger salaries. It wouldn't even be the first time it has happened.
  20. It's basically just a nostalgia trip, but one that I'm sure almost any football fan of a certain age will enjoy.
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