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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. If Worf was going to have a spin off worth watching it would need to have plenty of Quark to rile him up and give some comedy value.
  2. There's been a lot of talk about Swansea in the last couple of weeks which I honestly think has been way over the top. I don't think they've actually got much to worry about. Having said that, I suppose if the players have that attitude they very well might. Laudrup took them on leaps and bounds last season from Rodger's team the year before. He has to be given credit for it. They're low on confidence at the moment which was clear against Spurs, they lost their way as soon as they went behind. They actually looked very good and were bossing the game until the first goal against the run of play. They have suffered more with injuries than any other team lately and I'm sure their results will pick up soon once they get players back. Then there is the added factor of the europa league which has stretched the bare squad to the limit. I think it's a price worth playing though. I honestly don't see them finishing the season in any danger of relegation and think a first European run for the club is worth sacrificing four or five positions in the league for. They can finish higher again next season when they don't have those added games. Their next 4 league matches are against Fulham, West Ham, Cardiff and Stoke. If they fail to pick up many points from those I'll have to say I was wrong and have a re-think but I'd bet on them getting 7 from 12 and moving them to a safer position.
  3. Shelvey went off injured in their last game, haven't heard how long he's going to be out for. The're running out of players.
  4. Swansea fucked up by not getting him back off his loan. Apparently they did have the opportunity until a certain date but left it too late. I had both matches on at the same time. Hilarious football all round last night.
  5. I loved the first of the star trek reboot films but thought the newest one was bad. Not good as a start trek film or a generic hollywood sci-fi blockbuster. Couldn't they have made a spin off show about Data, Garak and The Doctor (Voyager) going around solving crimes instead?
  6. What a dude that Don Cornelius is! Edit - That video is one of the best things I've ever seen.
  7. Honestly though if I was a United fan and yesterday offered either Mata or a Carling Cup final spot against City I know which I would choose. They were embarrassing yesterday but it was still one of the better days of their season with that news.
  8. This is pretty funny. Noel Gallagher commenting on old oasis videos. Mostly saying how much he hated making them or how shit the songs are.
  9. Now I like her even more, just stumbled across this cover of the 90s classic Rhythm of The Night.
  10. This the lead single off of a very good EP just released.
  11. ooh an old man who plays around in an old police phone box and pretends he travels in time, how scary!
  12. Amazing end to the game and incredibly bad and entertaining pen shoot out. De Gea will get criticised for his mistake but he at least saved a couple and gave his team a good chance to get through. 1 out of 5 for fucks sake. From Manchester United. 1 out of 5. ONE! edit - if I could remember the name of the mighty ducks character who hit the puck with all the power in the world but could only ever get one out of five on target there;d be a big picture of him here right now. It wouldn't really work though because those pens had no power at all.
  13. Bobby Robson is a shitbag for ruining Stephen Glass' premiership ambitions. Best crosser of a ball ever. Ever.
  14. He's going to be amazing for Fiorentina and then soon there'll be a game between them and Juve in which Anderson and Pogba will score 5 goals each and leave United fans everywhere in tears.
  15. But I stand by the idea that a band caring about their image isn't noteworthy enough to disgrace the world by coming up with such an awful term as Hollistercore.
  16. I was taking the piss a little bit. It is probably true to an extent though but only because I have very little awareness of punk music other than the old classic bands and those of the pop punk boom from my last years at school.
  17. I'll give you that Jones can do a man marking job there but I'm not convinced about him being a good all round defensive midfielder. Perhaps my criticism of Giggs is based more on last season than this. I'll watch him closely next time I see him play there. I still would be shitting it as a Man U fan if he was required to play in the middle against a top team in Europe. United have just let their best midfielder go to Fiorentina anyway, idiots.
  18. I want to have a problem with Amazon one day just so I can see for myself what their customer service is like. It's become almost mythical in my mind.
  19. I've never been aware of a punk band that wasn't image conscious.
  20. Has he? Can they? I think the fact most people would answer no to those questions is the reason their midfield has been considered weak for a long time. Jones doesn't really ever look comfortable in midfield. Like you said before if they have faith in him he should be given a proper run as a first choice centre-back. Cleverly and Giggs should be kept away from the team as much as possible. Giggs has the occasional good game which leads to loads of people saying how he's still amazing at his age but most of the time he plays he is one of the worst players on the pitch. There have been games when bottom half teams have controlled the midfield against United and it's often when Giggs is in the middle. Carrick is the only one that can be relied upon to perform against top sides. Too early to tell with Fletcher yet.
  21. I don't think Tiote is good enough for a champions league side. So he'd be good for United. LOL.
  22. It's not widely known but uefa actually imposed a ban years ago on Man United ever signing a central midfielder again.
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