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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. https://soundcloud.com/tinashenow/tinashe-2-on-feat-schoolboy-q
  2. I think it was about 5 episodes for me to get properly hooked by it. Having said that when I went back and watched it again thought it was brilliant from the start.
  3. What would you pick as your 3 favourites out of those? You have a real treat ahead with Catch-22, my favourite book.
  4. I watched the new Hobbit film last night. Pretty good but I preferred the first. I did like that it had a big influence from Donkey Kong Country. Barrels and mining carts everywhere.
  5. Out of interest how much of Game of Thrones did you watch? Look at this guy with his own opinion getting everything wrong. Get him boys!
  6. Inzaghi was the favourite so Seedorf is a surprise. I'd love him to do well though and based off nothing more than a gut feeling I think he could make a good coach.
  7. Can't a man walk down the street without being offered a job?!
  8. That's fair but as I say I'm not watching it from that point of view. Regarding why Moriarty put himself out in the open I accepted and like the reason given in the show. Simply that he was bored. He was bored and wanted some fun by testing himself against Sherlock who he was hoping would be a challenge to him. I don't know whether most fans of the show would agree with you or with me but I'm happy anyway that they went this route with the character. I think he and the actor are great. Steals every scene he's in. Probably one of my all time favourite tv villains.
  9. Maybe he is obsessed with Sherlock by that point but it's not suggested he's been like that his whole life so it wouldn't have an effect on whether he was able to create the criminal network or not. As for whether it's like the books or not I couldn't care. The series clearly isn't meant to be a completely faithful interpretation. However I have read comments from other fans of the books who think that the show in general keeps to the spirit of the original stories.
  10. Well it's a story isn't it and for the sake of the story we just have to accept that he has a brilliant mind, the same as we do for Sherlock. And he's not portrayed as always being obsessed with Sherlock.
  11. I enjoyed it as always but it was definitely the weaskest series for me. Yesterday's episode was by far the strongest of the lot and I'm very excited to have Moriarty back even though I can't think how he could possibly still be alive. He's possibly my favourite thing about the show.
  12. My Dad works for Inspire. Maybe you know him. Maybe you think he's a bell end.
  13. Only got to see the second half but you're right it was shite, until it became amazing.
  14. Nah the episode was good but weaker than the first two.
  15. Jake is your real name Tabatha Leggett?
  16. Why do you need / want to get pissed at a quiz anyway? Surely it would be detrimental to your hopes of winning anyway.
  17. You are literally terrible at being a human being.
  18. Good point, I actually haven't heard one way or the other about that. Whoever did it is an idiot then. Smalling could have still said to whoever took the picture not to share it but then we're starting to get to the point of giving too much credit to the thought process of a premiership footballer.
  19. Yes, you're not getting the joke.
  20. 13 is their best imo and the only one I really love from start to finish. Self titled is also very good but if you're looking for the earlier brit pop sound then Parklife would be the obvious choice. I saw them live earlier this year and they were incredible, they definitely have a very strong selection of singles, I'm sure their best of is very good.
  21. Without seeing the episode I'm sure it was a joke of some kind. Maybe a shit one but they definitely wont have meant to say that's where they have always lived.
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