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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I always understood Dr Pepper. Understood it is shite!
  2. None of those are things that being a vegan rather than vegetarian prevented him from eating!
  3. Also been very happy with Slater's when I've used them. Last time I got one was from McCalls on Bridge Street which was also fine. Used to go to Philip King on George Street because my gran knows the owner but to be honest there often seemed to be something wrong when I picked it up.
  4. Did people really take prelims seriously? They were handy for showing you which subjects I needed to study for a bit when the big ones came along.
  5. I don't have anything to say about how I'm feeling at the moment but generally I'm in favour of vague threads like this that can easily go off in various directions. Makes a convenient dumping ground for shite I can't post anywhere else.
  6. well they're both american new wave bands from the same era with female lead singers
  7. The new Actress album is probably even better than I'd hoped it would be. I don't think it will quite become my favourite of his but it's made a better initial impression than R.I.P did. Short but rather cool interview with him here http://www.thebeatjuice.com/read/2014/01/07/4174/actress-q-and-a/
  8. I'd be amazed if Moyes doesn't get at least to this time next year.
  9. I bloody love to see Bielsa coach a team in the premier league.
  10. I'd rather have scrambled eggs on toast to be honest.
  11. Just did a quick search to make sure it did actually exist, here it is.
  12. Tab Clear was amazing, or at least I thought so at the time. I also loved Mountain Dew during its brief 90s period. I remember drinking absolutely loads of it when the local spar had it at a special introductory low price but not really sticking with it once the price went up. I moved on to "Raging Hog" which took its place in the discount bin but it didn't last long and no one else in the world seems to remember it. I don't like the sound of this non-fizzy version of Mountain Dew. I'd rather have a crab juice.
  13. I agree, Hernandez would be much better for Arsenal than Berba. Any striker would at least let Giroud get a rest sometimes though. They could do what SAF did with him by the end and just start against the bottom half teams when he could wander around and take the piss.
  14. The craze for American sweets in the UK is baffling to me. It's all shite! My family in the US always take back a suitcase of British chocolate anytime they are over.
  15. I got these two football books at christmas. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fear-Loathing-La-Liga-Barcelona/dp/0224091786/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389100240&sr=8-1&keywords=fear+and+loathing+in+la+liga http://www.amazon.co.uk/Inverting-Pyramid-History-Football-Tactics/dp/1409145867/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389100287&sr=8-1&keywords=inverting+the+pyramid I've read the old edition of Inverting the Pyramid before so I've started with the Barca - Madrid one. Enjoying it a lot, which is no surprise as it's written by one of my favourite journalists. Incredibly informative without being dense or dull. I've just finished a chapter on the signing of Di Stefano. I'd read some stuff about it before but had no idea how much of a complicated mess it really was. I highly recommend picking it up.
  16. Maybe if Townsend could pick up some speed he could take over.
  17. I read a comment somewhere else which brought up the fact that this is the kind of injury which often has a long term impact on a player's pace, which would obviously be a disaster for Walcott.
  18. Spending time with and trying to get my head round the new Actress album, Ghettoville.
  19. I liked this a lot. A bit up and down but the parts that didn't really work appear to be done with now and I think there's a possibility of a great second season.
  20. The Shield is great, certainly not without its flaws but extremely good viewing. It lost me for a bit around season 6 but but it may have just been that I'd been going too quickly and needed a break. I agree that it ends well.
  21. I don't really have much reason to be in this thread but I heard there was some Frank Turner bashing going on and I wanted to join in. He's a total cunt.
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