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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Theo's out of the world cup. Shite news for Arsenal too.
  2. I'm not exactly involved in the local scene but this is really good so I'd give it a vote.
  3. I still don't believe the Fabregas move was ever on. Thiago is the one they really let get away.
  4. I thought both episodes were great, especially the second one. Way better than anything in season 4 and better than a lot of season 3 so I'm very happy.
  5. Sounds like he's absolutely begging for someone to invite him out!
  6. I probably have about 5 cds from 10 years ago hidden away something. Will they be worth something now? I had a 10 easy wishes one, maybe Adam will sign it for me if I ask nicely and I can flog it on ebay. edit - and adidas for the win.
  7. Loads of bubble tea shops have opened up near me in the last 6 months or so. It looks like shite for shite people and I have decided never to try it even once.
  8. This really annoys me for some reason.
  9. It's quite clear that spurs didn't have a deep rooted philosophy as the head coach and person in charge of youth development have completely different ideas on how to approach the game. There's no parallel to be drawn with the Southampton situation. They had an idea how they wanted to move forward and found a coach who they believed could best help them, which sadly meant sacking Adkins. Spurs got freaked after a couple of bad games, sacked the coach and then gave the job to the first person in the office who stuck their hand up.
  10. I thought she meant that he was going out with one of
  11. I've just got back home from being out in town. The final chrsitmas shopping was much less stressful than I pictured but fucking hell that wind was a cunt.
  12. Sherwood will do no better in games against the top teams, which is what ultimately cost AVB.
  13. Saw the second half of the mighty ducks on tv yesterday. Don't worry, I watched it only a few months ago so I was able to jump right in and not be lost by the plot.
  14. Glenn does! I think the appointment embarrasses Levy but Sherwood has done well to pounce on his chance. I don't think Levy really wanted him but Sherwood forced him to make a decision quickly and there was nobody else so he got the job. A consequence of jumping the gun with firing AVB.
  15. You're right about the management, that was my first thought too. I'm sure their management are clever enough to know what would be terrible PR for the group. On Beiber I remember there being a big fuss in the papers when he visited Anne Frank's house, people got incensed just by him suggesting she would have liked his music. I think if he had said "rape happens for a reason" some attention would have been given to that too.
  16. I have one present I need to get today too. Not looking forward to going into town to try and get it.
  17. Oh I didn't mean to say that or the other stuff attributed to the rocks bands isn't true. I meant the Justin Beiber and One Direction stuff it's being compared to. I'm sure Blink and Nirvana and all those other groups are all great bunches of lads. I'm not quite buying the other guys being evil, cancer patient hating, spitting on fans cunts
  18. aye bit of a shiter, the draw leaves the top of the table in a real nice position though. Hopefully City - Liverpool is much better on boxing day.
  19. Someone just posted this on and appears to think it's not made up. http://m.ifunny.mobi/i/XkwSHGaa1
  20. I thought part one was great so, I'll be very happy if I like this one more too.
  21. Back in Scotland for two weeks It hasn't started according to plan as a friend I was staying with in Glasgow for the last couple of nights ended up in hospital yesterday. But hopefully the rest will go better and I'm looking forward to it. Christmas Eve I'm having dinner at my Mum's and then going to the pub afterwards to catch up with some old school friends. Breakfast at my mum's on christmas morning before me and my sister head over my Dad's for the rest of the day. Just going to be the three of us so won't be a huge feast but I'm sure there'll be more than enough for us all to stuff our faces. Boxing day will be the footy and then out with mates in town. Got another family meal with my mum's side of the family on the 27th and then I go to Edinburgh for the weekend to catch up with some mates there and go out to Surgeon play some very un-festive thumping techo. I'm quite excited about it all. I definitely appreciate christmas a lot more now that I live away in Poland and I don't get to see friends and family in Scotland that often.
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