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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. You have posted with much worse grammar and spelling on occasion.
  2. Jake I threw it in a rubbish bin out the back of the bon accord centre, I'm sure you can find it if you hurry.
  3. I am slightly drunk right now and I wont allow myself to sleep until I have listened to all the christmas songs.
  4. There should have been a warning in your post that the video contained a minute of Zane Lowe being the worst kind of Zane Lowe before the performance. Almost made up for by Robbie Williams' face at the end.
  5. So Vincent Tan is right mental isn't he? I haven't agreed with either of the recent premiership sacking but Mackay being given the boot would be way worse. I hope Tan has to give him a big payoff and then everything goes completely tits up for him. I'm sure Mackay will be able to easily get another good job.
  6. Ariana Grande loves a christmas song and recorded her version of last christmas
  7. Although speaking of the spice girls and christmas, the christmas number 1, 2 become 1 was probably the only spice girls song I would have grudgingly admitted was okay back then. Better than most that have followed I's say.
  8. The spelling mistake is making me picture the spice girls spending christmas trying to wrap a pig. As with the song, I'd never heard this before and I kind of wish that was still true. Basically the best bits are the parts which sound closest to the original, some of it excruciatingly bad.
  9. Spot on. However when I was his age I'd have probably thought the same as him. Because I hated all the music that was terrible and not the music I liked, which was the only music made the correct way. Other people weren't allowed to like anything else.
  10. I wish I could rep this. I wish I could rep it 3 million times. I don't really understand twitter. I don't have an account but I am sometimes linked to pages and if I am supposed to look at anything other than one individual tweet I get confused. Reddit is about ten times worse and I don't dare ever touch it.
  11. I forgot that Arsenal - Chelsea was on Monday night. I'm going to be on a train from Glasgow to Aberdeen and not get in until about half an hour into the match. I'd have booked an earlier one if I'd remembered. This is a minor disaster. I hope my mum doesn't expect much chat when I first arrive.
  12. So this is apparently the pick of what's on telly over christmas. http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/ng-interactive/2013/dec/christmas-tv-guide-2013 What shite. I know it normally is but there's usually a bit more worth watching than that isn't there? Doctor Who and Sherlock are the only things I'm looking forward to.
  13. Oh I wasn't asked for an opinion. I was merely a mannequin to this woman, no intellectual value whatsoever. However if she had asked me I would have definitely lied and told her the jacket was brilliant.
  14. This isn't really what this topic is for but I don't know where else to put it but I'm going to use some bold and a question mark to make it ok. So I was just out and about and popped into H&M for a quick nosey. I'd only just stepped into the men's section when a woman came up to me and asked if I'd try a jacket on because I'm apparently about the same size as her son. Now this is actually the second time this has happened to me so I wasn't completely shocked but she then got me over to the other side of the shop to try on two more! Is this normal? Would you do this? The jacket was shite btw.
  15. who can do it on a cold wet and windy night in stoke? Ashley Young that's who.
  16. I like it. Some of it anyway. I won't pretend I've listened to it a whole lot but it's decent. I don't think there's much point comparing it with their older stuff really. And honestly no matter how many times I hear it I'm not tired of Get Lucky.
  17. Well I literally (pre-2013 definition) have nothing better to do right now.
  18. Whinsalpish, good. Glad we got that sorted. Now, back on topic, remember when the strokes were good?
  19. Is there a word for the kind of voice Ben Howard has? Whatever you call it, I haaaaaaaaaaaate it.
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