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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Well your previous posts had already given me the clue that they make music. I'm not sure this latest posts really adds much.
  2. And that just looks like a normal gig. Next you'll be posting clips from Glastonbury and saying they count because you watched it on bbc3!
  3. Ben Howard, Boyce Avenue? Who are these people? What button? Who took my false teeth?
  4. And better than the original? Are you having a laugh? Is he having a laugh? Typical cover version shite. Ooh lets take this pop song and add a bit of guitar and make it sound more gloomy sounding then we'll be allowed to say that we like it.
  5. Of course sand isn't going to work. Glitter is much better. edit- fuck sake, Milner beat me to it by seconds
  6. Radio is different from TV You don't know how to embed videos Worst version of call me maybe I've ever heard NO IT DOES NOT COUNT
  7. I'm no expert on this game but in a year that Mandela and Thatcher both died getting zero points seems like quite a failure.
  8. This is an old favourite, not watched it in years. I was always very curious about the presenter.
  9. Posted some David Byrne in the opening post which Kirsten just referred to in another thread and that's reminded me of this. Talking Heads back in the day. David Byrne's movements would make it worth watching on mute.
  10. It really slipped under my radar at the time, not sure if I've even heard one song from it. I will investigate.
  11. I'm sure yesterday I had loads I wanted to post but held some back so I didn't overload the thread at the start, now I can't think what they were.
  12. Good grief that Demi outfit. If Miley Cyrus went on national tv like that there'd be an insufferable amount of opinion pieces in the papers about it in the following days.
  13. Nice group, I like most of these but mostly my attention has been drawn to the fact there is a bang called The Murderburgers.
  14. This is basically what happened with "I Love It" (which she wrote) in the UK. FACT just reviewed Beyonce and gave it 4.5/5 so it seems her non-mainstream credibility is continuing to grow. They put Sky Ferreira at number 2 in their albums list too which was quite a surprise. Flights, Karma, did either of you listen to that?
  15. I had to just check how many names you guys each have on your list and was a little relieved to see it was 20 because if it was around 10 that would be very scary.
  16. The album turned out to be not that good but I remember watching this Tyler the Creator performance on Jimmy Fallon, not long after the video for Yonkers was released, and the two things together got me very hyped for a little while. Always thought this tv on the radio performace was great
  17. That makes sense but for some reason I thought there was no mod rep before the update either.
  18. I remember watching that when it was on tv and being very impressed.
  19. The players are from all over though aren't they? And they are players who have been rejected by clubs and would probably have to give up on a professional career if he didn't give them another chance.
  20. Share here your favourite performances from bands on Letterman, Jools Holland, Jimmy Fallon etc I often really enjoy these performances and like looking out for appearances from artists I like. You can get a good mix between live energy and studio quality. I thought there was already a thread like this but couldn't find it so mods feel free to merge this if there is one. I've only recently been made aware of this, which instantly became a favourite. I remember being blown away when I first saw this, it was the first time I'd ever heard anything of hers.
  21. It's amazing that that is seemingly forgotten about in the media and that it never stopped him from having a good career as a pundit. To be fair to him though everything I've heard about his coaching academy in Spain sounds good and he deserves credit for it.
  22. Could you take him? If you've already had to go one stage with ripped trousers, you don't want to be seen losing a fight in the same week. Although the holidays are coming and people would probably forget by the time you go back.
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