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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Listening to Actor now actually, it's been a while and I think I forgot how much I like this. It was one of my most played albums the year it came out, I should give her others another chance too. Is that one she did with David Byrne any good?
  2. Sounds like a wanker. Ignore him.
  3. I would never keep her from sharing her music with all the tens of people who want to listen to it. Her last tweet is her saying she was in the studio on 4th March. And her facebook page seems to be gone :| In other news the Superlove by charlixcx which actually got some radio one airplay and some decent press got all the way to number 62 in the charts, lol I even bought it for fuck sake!
  4. How many of Bigsby's list have croaked it now?
  5. How can Lucky Rathen have one of the posts with the highest reputation if you can't rep his posts?
  6. Have you been treated badly today YoungA? Tell us more. You're right though, anyone who has some kind of elitist attitude because they consider themselves the dogs bollocks at whichever instrument they play is an arse.
  7. Is that confirmed? Actor is her only one which really clicked with me but I'll definitely give any new stuff a shot.
  8. The new Burial EP has still been dominating my listening. Come Down To Us is sooooooo good. I've also been listening to Autre Ne Veut a bit since I got hooked on the song Play by Play about a week ago. The album doesn't match that level but still pretty good.
  9. Hey the 2013 thread was started exactly a year ago today so while we're thinking about out favourite albums of this year lets also look forward to what's coming out in the next. I've basically been looking forward to 2014 for quite a while already as there will be a new Actress album (maybe the last) released in January and the new CharliXCX in March. In terms of artists who potentially may release something new in the next twelve months I'd say Kendrick Lamar is top of my wishlist. Can't wait to see how he follows up Good Kid.....
  10. Well if you can't be convinced how do I write to Hercules Moments and tell them to print top 11s instead of 10?
  11. Fans are (most of the time) idiots for wanting a manager because they have a previous connection to the club.
  12. Are the Glenn Hoddle rumours coming from anywhere but himself? Why on earth would any premiership club offer him a job these days?
  13. Chvrches are good too so I wont complain to much about it being above it but I've not heard any of your top 9 therefore they must all be worse.
  14. If you find a big lump of coal in your stocking on christmas morning that'll be from me on behalf of charlixcx because of this glaring omission.
  15. Well in all honesty I preferred those too. What sane person wouldn't? If only Nadia were still alive to give more pictures.
  16. I once lost out in a battle of the bands because the organisers didn't like us being young and better than everyone else. To make it worse they gave the prize to the boring band my teacher Jack Black used to be in.
  17. I love Family Business, not one of my very favourite tracks but it's definitely contains the kind of lyrics I liked most from him.
  18. I was going to post it 4 days ago but I gave you 24 hours to pull through and make a name for yourself but you just weren't up to it, better luck next time. P.S I don't like your new avatar, please change it back to something Paranoid Android approved. P.P.S Obviously the main point of this post should be that yes that song is great and I'm happy we agree on that.
  19. I find him entertaining. He'd make a terrible real person but as an A-list celeb I'l let it pass.
  20. If the rumours of Capello are true Levy really has lost it.
  21. Very interesting champions league draw. Despite winning away last season and Bayern's loss to city this season I think Arsenal are screwed to be honest. City I think will beat Barca unless Barca's form picks up. Man United pretty much have a bye and Chelsea should get through without too many problems but Drogba back at the bridge will be fun. Dortmund and Atletico should go through too which I'm happy about.
  22. The Beyonce album is pretty good. Haunted is the clear stand out so far, it's fantastic.
  23. It would be mad to sack AVB in my opinion. Spurs had their best ever season in the premier league last year (number of points) and then they lost one of the best players in the league. I would have concerns about some of his decisions and tactics but I don't think there's any reason to get rid of him. Even if they were doing a lot better top 4 would still be a big ask so I don't think there's much risk in giving him more time.
  24. Obviously was maybe the wrong word but I thought it was generally believed that Levy pulled all the strings in that department.
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