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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Levy should take most of the blame / responsibility for transfers not AVB. It's obviously him that made most of those decisions.
  2. http://www.exeterexpressandecho.co.uk/odds-Exeter-man-receives-identical-birthday-cards/story-20319981-detail/story.html
  3. Could have at least given him the next game which is Hull at home to see if he could end the bad run.
  4. West Brom have only gone and sacked Steve Clarke. Bonkers.
  6. Thierry Henry is going to be a pundit for the beeb at the world cup. I think he'll be good. They usually have good people in addition to the normal shites they always have.
  7. I have to say that even though most people have been disagreeing with me it's been nice to have a conversation longer than one post about an artist I like on here. I should bump that Nadia Oh thread.
  8. Elton John's hip hop career peaked with his collaboration with Blue. I'm sure the black guy did a rap in the song, he always did. I quite like Rihanna's voice but unfortunately she mostly releases crap. I like a few of her singles from a few years back though.
  9. Look at how many people were invloved with All of the Lights Produced by Kanye West Co-produced by Jeff Bhasker Recorded by Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer, and Mike Dean Mixed by Anthony Kilhoffer Assistant engineers: Christian Mochizuki, Pete Bischoff and Phil Joly Keyboards: Jeff Bhasker and Mike Dean Piano: Elton John Brass and woodwinds: Danny Flam, Tony Gorruso, and Ken Lewis Horn arrangements: Ken Lewis Engineered by Brent Kolatalo Orchestral arranger and conductor: Rosie Danvers Trumpets: Mike Lovatt, Simon Finch, Andy Gathercole French horns: Tim Anderson, Tom Rumsby, Richard Ashton Trombone: Mark Frost, Philip Judge Flute: Chloe Vincent Violins: Kotono Sato, Jenny Sacha Viola: Rachel Robson Cello: Rosie Danvers, Chris "Hitchcock" Chorney Cello arrangement: Mike Dean Additional vocals: Rihanna, Kid Cudi, Tony Williams, The-Dream, Charlie Wilson, John Legend, Elly Jackson (of La Roux), Alicia Keys, Elton John, Fergie, Ryan Leslie, Drake, Alvin Fields, and Ken Lewis I don't really believe all of those vocalists were in it ot be honest
  10. He wrote the lyrics himself the people mentioned it for the music but most of those will be people getting credit for samples rather than actually being involved with the song.
  11. Your response suggests that I've in some way made a worthy music discussion post. I'm going to have to post at least 3 football gifs, 2 posts slagging of Jake and Yodel complaint to balance that out. Keeping the kanye chat going I think it's important to recognise that most of his "dickhead behaviour" came after he had already achieved a lot of success. There is a very thin line between what some people will write off as a crazy guy being ridiculous and others see as evidence a person is the biggest douchebag in the world. I definitely agree he wouldn't get away with his current public persona if he hadn't built up respect previously.
  12. I don't but I know you do every time you look in the mirror! You bloody mentalist! lol lol lol
  13. I wont defend most of the lyrics on the album but anyone who actually takes these seriously needs to cheer up. To try and address this more basically I'd say he makes music that doesn't really sound like anyone else. Especially when he came out he sounded very different to other hip hop that was in the charts at the time (50 cent for example). Plus he had great pop hook which helped him cross over to non hip hop fans while his production was so good that hip hop fans stayed on side too. Plus the reasons about image that you mention yourself.
  14. I'll admit this right now, I've never listened to a Beyonce album. I intented to listen to 4 but never got round to it. Will probably give the new one a shot. this song is lovely and guaranteed that the board will like it more than kanye west
  15. Jesus Walks is a good example of Kanye lyrics I like. You're just old man, like all those squares in the sixties who didn't 'get' the Beatles. Fair play to you though if you are going to listen to one of his albums even though you dislike him so much. I'd recommend either of the first two. Yeah I couldn't make it through 30 seconds of that first one.
  16. Couldn't really care about the lyrics that much. If bad lyrics annoyed me I'd have to stop listening to loads of my favourite music. I always just think of good lyrics as a bonus, there are only a handful of acts where they are something important to me. As for Kanye I haven't really loved any of his lyrics since his second album.
  17. I think the main sample is really cool that the rap fits well with it. That's about as in depth as I can really get. Also when first listening to the album I liked it because it was the track closest in sound to his earlier albums which I prefer to his newest one.
  18. Why do you care? I think Friday is shit and Bound 2 very good but I wouldn't care if someone hated bound 2 and loved Friday. Musica taste is completely subjective and and it can often be hard to define why you like something. No one should ever really have to answer the question "why do you like this?".
  19. This is quite a turn up for the books. I'm a big fan of the surprise album and think it's quite cool that an act like Beyonce is getting involved.
  20. Music megastar in making silly outrageous statement shocker.
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