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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Scholes could tackle but he could also be a petulant cunt who just loved hurting people.
  2. What's your favourite song on the charli album? For me nothing beats the chorus of Set Me Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  3. It's really great. http://www.factmag.com/2013/12/11/burials-rival-dealer-is-a-christmas-story-about-love-confusion-and-sexuality-and-is-the-best-thing-hes-made-since-untrue/
  4. He has collaborated with Fout Tet before but they are different people. For comparison I would say this track is his best
  5. It's mad Quite a lot of it doesn't sound like what you'd expect a new Burial ep to sound like. In fact a part of it sounds like an 80s pop song!
  6. The new burial is online to buy and there are previews you can listen to here http://www.hyperdub.net/releases/view/258/HDB080
  7. I'm glad you listened because a) it means I wasn't talking to myself b) they are great, the charlixcx album especially.
  8. http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/shortcuts/2013/dec/10/bbc-rules-graham-norton-aids-ribbon-contradictions
  9. I almost put Susan Boyle on my list for those very reasons!
  10. To be honest I'm a bit surprised they're so popular with some people. I have quite a few friends who I would have thought would find chvrches too "poppy" really like them.
  11. I've spotted the Chvrches album on a few lists now. I haven't noticed anything else really overlapping on a lot of lists. Perhaps some things I've never heard of that didn't register with me but for now I'm declaring it Ab-Musics number one album of the year.
  12. I think it may be a seasonal thing with me that's. It has a very warm spring / summer sound to it for me
  13. If I'd made a best of 2013 list a few months ago this would have been much higher than it ended up on my end of year list. It was one of my most listened to earlier in the year but I just kind of cooled on it over the last few months. It is good though. Good to see DJ too.
  14. College Dropout, Late Registration and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Ha ha well ok. Plenty of people agree with me and plenty agree with you that's what music and opinions is all about. But he and his music will be ever present in the media for the rest of our lives probably so I'm glad I like him.
  15. Barca wont sell anyone under 25 ever again. All loans. Too scared of having a cesc situation again. I think they want to have 100 youth players out on load at all times and each summer pick the best ones to come back and join the first team.
  16. Bound 2 like numerous other songs he has made is very good. In fact he's made some of the very best songs of the past decade. 3 of the best albums too.
  17. Shit thread in 2004. Shit thread in 2013.
  18. From this past week, all first time viewings. In Bruges - This was hilarious, I really love this style of black humour and I knew I'd like the film after just seeing the first few minutes. I'd always wanted to see this and I'm not really sure why it took me so long but I can now see this becoming a film I'll re-watch often. 8 Mile - I'd been told to watch this on a hangover day when I wanted something nice and easy to watch and that was good advice. There's really not much to the plot and you can predict almost everything important that happens but that doesn't really seem to matter. Dazed and Confused - As a fan of good highschool films I now feel rather stupid that I'd not seen this before, I don't know why not. This was awesome, one of the best. My mum's probably happy I didn't see it 15 years ago though as it does being a teenager and drinking and smoking weed seem like the coolest thing ever. Ocean's 13 - I was sure I had seen this before but I quickly realised I hadn't. 12 must have given me enough shitty memories for 2 films. I enjoyed it. Not as good as 11 but much better than 12 and just a very fun film.
  19. Everton have a great advantage in not having any games in Europe so the squad wont be stretched as much as others. The traditional top sides don't seem to be rotating players as smoothly as they have before and I think will keep dropping points throughout. If they get a good offer for Baines I'd accept it. Oviedo looks ready to fill in and they could use the money to get a couple of others in.
  20. You're right it's not as totally terrible in the attract the attention of the whole internet way that Friday was but it's still really awful. And even kesha's bad songs are 100 times better than it.
  21. I'll have you guys know that I was once left home alone and had to deal with a a couple of burglars and only survived thanks to copying ideas from the film which all worked so you can't say it's not realistic. Lucky you should watch the die hard films, I hadn't seen them until a couple of years ago and now talk about them in the same way as people who have loved them for 20 years. The first one especially is a rare case where the love for the film isn't partly based on nostalgia, it's just that fucking great. The first four are all good though (well the second is a bit dodgy).
  22. I have seen about 3 minutes of an episode of the new girl. I want those minutes back. I haven't seen anything that bad in a long time. And that is coming from someone who is currently hooked on Masterchef: The Professionals.
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