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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Other favourites John Hopkins - Open Eye Signal Cut Copy - Footsteps Sky Ferreira - You're Not The One Daft Punk - Get Lucky Chvrches - Recover Beautiful Swimmers - Running Over Ariana Grande - Honeymoon Avenue Arctic Monkeys - Knee Socks The Field - No, No Giorgio Luceri - Voices in my Head Kyle Hall - Crushed
  2. post your top songs form this year, go. My top 3 1. The Knife - Full of Fire 2. Natasha Kmeto - Idiot Proof 3. CharliXCX - SuperLove
  3. It's that time of year again. Everyone's making lists, loads of websites already have their end of year lists out and I checked last year's thread was started in November so you can't say this is too early. So what are your top 5, top 10, top 50, top 1000 or whatever albums released this year?
  4. Too many one sided matches, boring.
  5. Awesome didn't realise that would be back so soon. The Americans is back in the new year too which I'm looking forward to. Treme just started its (short) fourth and final season, first episode was great. I enjoy elementary a lot but I don't think it's a patch on Sherkock (which I'm super excited is back soon).
  6. It's one of the most popular shows on tv but I've never seen a very funny sketch.
  7. DJ / Techno producer Levon Vincent posted this on his facebook page today. This is extremely ace-ic, one of the coolest things I've things I've read in a long time. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=638965879478295&id=184486851592869 cool man, cool songs
  8. Love the 1970 one, classic look. 2006 is my favourite of the more recent ones. 2014 looks like a plastic ball young kids might play with on the beach. Spent at least half an hour of a one to one class yesterday speaking to my student about the world cup and the draw coming on Friday. I got paid to chat about the world cup. I got an in depth review of 1982, the first world cup he properly remembers and about how the second group stage was total shit. If only every class was like this I'd have the best job in the world.
  9. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I would rep this ten times if I could. Instead I will share this
  10. Even if he was the best player in the world he shouldn't be on the shortlist as he's not British. And moaning about winners not having a "personality" is so annoying. That's not what the award is for and everyone knows it, or at least they should, it's 2013 for crying out loud.
  11. Been on a big burial kick since the news. Especially listening to last years releases a lot. I hope the new ep can match that standard.
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2013/dec/03/adnan-januzaj-bbc-young-sports-personality-year-manchester-united Are you having a laugh? Are they having a laugh?
  13. Get a promotion. Fire them. Going into work when obviously ill is a good way to give credit to the times when you do call in sick at least.
  14. New Burial EP in two weeks! http://www.residentadvisor.net/news.aspx?id=21979
  15. You're right it was quite dull. I'm current watching Bilbao - Barca, my fifth match of the day Spurs - United has been the best so far. Super strike from Sandro.
  16. I haven't read the novel so can't comment on that. The film was okay but in a 7/10ish way that I wouldn't really recommend to anyone. Tonight I watched Captain Phillips. They should have had some guns on the boat but then there would have been no film. Not bad though.
  17. Remember Alf? He's back. You know the rest and the pokemon isn't mentioned.
  18. I had a similar experience when rollerblades became cool for a few months. All my mates would be skating all over the place leaving me to do keepy ups by myself. I was shite at keepy ups so that was no fun at all. What on earth would posses any young lad to think anything is better than football? The world's gone mad.
  19. http://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/nov/30/charli-xcx-true-romance
  20. I've got a few films in over the last week. It's been nice to work my way through a few things I had waiting for a while. I'd been ignoring films in favour of tv for some time. The last few days viewing Winter's Bone - I mentioned on this page that I like Jennifer Lawrence a lot and this film is a great example why. Excellent performance. She stars as a 17 year old who has to look after her younger brother and sister and mentally ill mother. Her father has gone missing as he is die to appear in court and if he's not found the family could lose the house. The film follows her attempts to track him down while some people in the local community seem to know something about it they wont tell her. Good film but I think I may have found it significantly less engaging if the lead performance hadn't been so strong. The Way Way Back - Coming of age film about a 14 year old boy who goes on holiday with his mum, her boyfriend and the boyfriends daughter to their beach house. The very shy boy ends up becoming friends with the manager at a water park who helps him to come out of his shell. Fairly typical typical stuff but it was a good watch. The reason I watched it in the first place was Sam Rockwell, perhaps my favourite actor, who plays the waterpark manager. He is by far the best thing about the film and improves is greatly. Every scene with him in it is better than almost any without him. Choke - Another film I watched for Rockwell and again he's excellent. The film was okay but kind of predictable, at least in the general path the film took. There were a few unexpected twists. If you're unaware of the plot, Rockwell plays a sex addict who works at one of those historical re-enactment places TV tells me are popular in the US and he often visits his sick mother (dementia) in hospital. Before Midnight - Final part of the trilogy following Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. A satisfying final part in most respects but I had some issues with it and I'd probably rate it as the weakest of the three, jsut. Like the other two it's mostly just conversation between the two lead characters and I can't say more than that without spoiling the other films. How to train your dragon - Excellent animated film, up there with the best pixar films but I'm fairly sure this was made by a different studio. The title tells you all you need to know about the plot really. Training dragons.
  21. I would happily let you do both of those things for me. Until the novelty of having a bass playing wingman wears off.
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