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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I thought these were shite when I was in school. If you want to talk to me about cards it needs to be WWF cards circa 1992. Never got into Pokemon at all, I would say I was a bit too old for it but I remember plenty of people in my year liking it.
  2. Black Friday in Britain? What? Why? Doesn't make any sense at all.
  3. Being biased against Man U still makes you neutral in my book.
  4. Kanye is in an amazingly bizarre phase right now. Not really sure what to make of it and Yeezus doesn't come close to his best work for me but it's fascinating to watch.
  5. That's the worst kind of semantic shit. I know Flights would only be doing what he'd been told but I almsot think he'd deserve a punch if he gave that response to someone asking for marg. It's ten times worse than the "I'm sorry we don't have coke, will pepsi do?" crap you get in restaurants.
  6. I just wish Smith had had better material to work with for the last couple of years of his run. I can only really speak of post reboot Doctor Who but he was definitely the best Doctor of those three. He did the best job of conveying that the doctor is actually an alien and not human. The first series with him as the doctor is my favourite.
  7. Since you last read one of my other posts you mean.
  8. If it came from QI I don't give the margarine thing any credit. All QI is these days is providing stupid facts which really are only true in a very specific sense if at all. A question like " How many day are there in the week?" will be answered by Alan Davies with the obvious seven to which Stephen Fry will guffaw and explain how if you consider a week the same way that the peruvian caterpillar tribe does there are in fact 9.7 days in a week.
  9. Hey guys have you ever tried slicing your bread? It's amazing, give it a shot.
  10. I literally said how to do it two posts above yours. I can't stand that band. Just can't listen to the singer.
  11. I have watched the kanye version once and the Franco one until about halfway through.
  12. Probably my favourite on the album although i have to say I haven't listened to it nearly as much as I would have expected.
  13. I'm sticking with Flora. And you can't make me change.
  14. Margerine is fine, butter is a pain. Tend to eat brown bread with all the seeds and crap thrown in these days. But you don't get nice white sliced bread over here.
  15. Way too much cucumber hate on this forum. Cucumber has been the main ingredient in most of my sandwiches lately!!
  16. I can't because I'm literally swimming in cava right now and there's kids all over the place drinking responsibly.
  17. McGann was good in that mini episode so I agree he'd have been another good option.
  18. I thought it was very good too. I was worried it wouldn't be since I found the last series to be quite poor. I was relieved that Billie Piper wasn't actually playing Rose as that probably would have just been too much to explain in the same episode and the three doctors were great together. Although John Hurt was fantastic I think I would have liked it even more if Christopher Ecclestone had agreed to take part as I think he would essentially have been playing that character. Adventure in Time in Space was very well done. Enjoyed it a lot.
  19. WHO ATE ALL THE PIES? WHO ATE ALL THE PIES? Er... Neville Southall
  20. It's above the cheese in Lucky Rathen's sandwich but below it in James Broonbread's.
  21. I surtenly will. You can't tell me what to do.
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