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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Acoustic version of superlove It gets released on Sunday and apparently has got a few plays at least on Radio1 so maybe it'll get higher than 75 in the charts or whatever the best single of the first album got.
  2. I had been in a kind of similar boat to you ca_gere, only slightly aware of it. I saw some positive reviews for the new one on some sites and was a bit surprised because I from the idea I had of it I expected it to get critically panned in the same way that the twilight films did. That intrigued me plus as I said I like Lawrence so I decided to give it ago and I'm happy I did. Interestingly it seems many people think the films are better than the books. Obviously has quite a bit in common with Battle Royale but to be honest I think the hunger games has a lot more to it that BR does. (I haven't seen BR in a very long time so I could be wrong about that)
  3. I watched the first Hunger Games last night actually. I was surprised by how good it was. Jennifer Lawrence is really great.
  4. Excellent match. Best I've seen this season.
  5. I have a lot of respect for vegetarians and do kind of feel I would be one if I was more pro-active and caring about stuff. I especially started thinking about where food comes from this year when a good friend of mine became a vegan.
  6. Woah woah woah woah woah you don't like eggs? Then fuck off out my thread Scotty S?t chua ng?t
  7. It makes me laugh thinking about how many Ireland got back then. THE 33RD TEAM!!!!
  8. imdb tells me that I haven't seen any Kevin Smith film ever.
  9. this is good too. 'got new running shoes' 'aye? I've got new stamping shoes, here have a look' BOSH
  10. Zlatan's comments about Barca, like the majority of his comments, are only acceptable because it's Zlatan. If chygrynskiy (another signing that season that didn't really work out) later complained about the players doing what the coach wanted and driving boring cars he's have been called a dick and laughed at from all sides. However as we all know Zlatan is a special man.
  11. Did you have a facourite character if you can remember? Mine is almost definitely Chris. The bar has been raised in a sense. The best tv shows are now much more ambitious and they have these arcing story lines but I wouldn't say the team behind Northern Exposure is really any less talented than many of the top shows around now. It's been the consistency which has really impressed me. I'd previously thought I'd have had enough by this point and not make it to the end. Now unless the remaining two seasons have a big drop in quality I'm sure I will keep going until the last episode.
  12. Well do it in private and leave me out of it you awful fuck.
  13. Pretend to get into stamp collecting. I'm sure after a period of comments like 'sitting down with my stamps tonigh' 'got a new stamp this morning' 'you should read this book about stamps' 'got a new stamp book this morning' he'd soon have something to say about it and then you could respond with something like "RUNNING IS JUST AS BAD YOU DULL CUNT!!!" Or a more polite version if you prefer.
  14. Barca players seem very well media trained. I think they actually do get training at the masia in how to handle the press which probably isn't a bad thing but can lead to fairly bland public personas. I don't think guys like Pique or Alves fit into the quiet guy Barca image but they still don't attract much attention to themselves in public. Saying that there was the spell when Pique was out in clubs a lot and Barca allegedly hired a private investigator to follow him. Iniesta genuinely does come across like he wants nothing else other than to spend time with his family and play football. He probably drinks one glass of champagne all night after winning the champions league.
  15. Aubergine is fine but definitely kind of pointless like courgettes, don't add much. However, and you might not believe this, I once went to a lunch where someone had prepared aubergine in such a way that it became one of the nices things I've ever eaten in my life. Sadly I'd forgotten by the next day exactly what she did to it.
  16. If you just post the "share" link from the youtube page it will embed automatically and there's no need for tags.
  17. I thought it was a clear Jade Goody - Shilpa shetty joke reference. And since YoungA can't write half a sentence without making a mistake I never dreamed anyone would credit him with some nice use of alliteration.
  18. Erm he didn't actually send me a pm....
  19. He did once send me a PM where he called me Paranoid Paella and told me to fuck off out of a thread he'd made.
  20. So many people hate liquorice in this thread I don't think it's an unpopular opinion at all!
  21. Good day of football tomorrow. I'm hopeful the Liverpool - Everton game will be decent and I think I should be able to get a stream of the dons game. If not Arsenal - Saints will be worth watching. Then I'm heading to the pub with my German flatmate to watch Dortmund-Bayern. He's a Borrrusia fan but I really just want a cracking match so he'll have to excuse me if Bayern score am awesome goal and I cheer it.
  22. Who was it that recommended Northern Exposure? Ca_gere? You're owed a big thank you. I've been working my way through it for a while now. There's been some periods where I didn't watch it much but I've been going through season 4 quickly this past week. It's got to the point where I'd probably consider it an all time great show. The writing is excellent and in a way which I don't think you really get on tv these days. It's light hearted and fun but very meaningful at the same time. The entire cast of characters is great which allows it to have about three separate story lines an episode none of which are dull or just filler which is quite amazing for a network 20+ episodes season.
  23. Exactly, that plus the public's opinion swinging from love to hate and back to love at the drop of a hat.
  24. I used to be anti-mushroom but I've been won over and now quite like them and even choose to buy them myself from the supermarket. Cucumber is one of my very favourite foods.
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