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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Right again, I was probably too kind in my last post. I do hate them. Why any olive is allowed to be eaten rather than used for its oil is beyond me.
  2. Yeah this. Well actually I don't despise them but I can't understand people acting like they're the greatest thing to ever be put in front of them. Oooh a little plate of olives while I drink my beer, I've never been so happy.
  3. Almost all seafood is shite. The little that is edible is due to it being relatively flavourless and deep fried. Supermarket bought hummus is better than any homemade stuff I've ever eaten. Stovies look shit, taste shit and make me want to be sick. GO.
  4. I'd completely forgotten she was dead. It didn't even enter my mind when writing that post, I couldn't think what happened to her after the racist bit. Her life could be held up as an example of the worst of modern celebrity culture.
  5. Was it Jade Goody she threatened? She might have just been too far ahead of national feeling to be appreciated.
  6. I kind of want to watch the whole song of each individual channel but that would take over and hour.
  7. I've almost certainly complained about this before. Why does everyone who makes football compilation videos have terrible taste in music. Yes I want to watch the top 20 zola goals for chelsea. No I do not want to listen to evanescence.
  8. This is absolutely brilliant. http://video.bobdylan.com/desktop.html
  9. They are quite weird. I rarely watch the videos, just download the podcasts. I find the posing too annoying most of the time.
  10. So a few weeks ago a parody video of Ben Klock's Boiler Room set was put online. It's basically the original video where you can see him DJing and the crowd dancing behind him but the audio has been changed. The first few minutes really just take the piss out of minimal techno with various noises and bleeps and bloops but about the 4 minute mark it kicks in to the grandstand theme tune which amazingly fits the tempo of the dancers and Klock's actions with the equipment. I'd forgotten just how great the grandstand song is by the way. Here's the video And so a few days he actually played grandstand while DJing at the liquid rooms in Edinburgh. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10153523533730305&set=vb.555070304&type=2&theater I wish I'd been there. Now every techno night I go to I'm going to be longing for old bbc theme tunes.
  11. It really bugs me when people post messages on another person's wall that doesn't need to be public for everyone to see. For example something banal like "are you still ok to meet at 6 this evening?". Just send them a private message for fuck's sake. That's what they are for. The only reason I can think of is that they are desperate for others to know that they are doing something that day and not stuck at home alone.
  12. You should also hate being to young to take advantage of excuses to go to the pub.
  13. The 2012 one became probably my most listened to mix during this year. I'm very excitedly listening to this new one for the first time just now.
  14. Don't you guys have any work to be doing while you're at work!
  15. I don't have to listen to that to know you're probably right.
  16. Epic really is incredible. Jessy Lanza | Pull My Hair Back - Just my second listen to this and I'm mostly impressed by it. It all sounds lovely even if some tracks didn't make a really strong impression. Cosy | Hands Together - At only 27 minutes long this flies by and so never outstays it's welcome. Plenty of variety within the seven tracks too. Arctic Monkeys | AM - This wont be the first time I've written about this in here. I don't go too long without sticking it on at the moment. Great album and will be in my top 5 at the end of the year. Ariana Grande | Yours Truly - I don't think I'll ever be won over to some of the crap on the back end of this but the first 8 tracks or so are mostly great.
  17. alright scrooge. Still not got around to the lorde album. Here's a non-christmas song http://youtu.be/MIIXP0giG-g
  18. classic banter wish i worked in an office
  19. That was shite too! All itv shows are really, aren't they? Now they're losing the champions league they might as well just become a 24hr corrie channel.
  20. It's always been shit, I can't believe it's still going. If we need a show with people stranded in a remote place can't Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands be brought back?
  21. I have that downloaded. I've heard mixed things about it but would watch just for Rockwell anyway.
  22. Make a Miley Cyrus parody video with lots of twerking and become a youtube hit.
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