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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I think you might end up quite disappointed unless Luxembourg - Montenegro gets you excited. Tonight: Maybe a drink or two after work with another teacher but no big plans. Tomorrow: During the day I'll be hanging out with a friend who used to live here and is back visiting for the weekend. Going out to see The Field live at night which will be incredible if it's half as good as the last time I saw him. Sunday: Out for some lunch with friends I think, probably watch a film or something in the evening.
  2. That's not the show I'd be going to.
  3. I was about to express some extreme jealousy and call some people cunts for getting to see Bill Callahan. However I've just seen that he is in fact playing here in February too. What's more finding that out led me to seeing that The Tallest Man On Earth is playing here in only 2 weeks! Why had no one told me THAT before? So now Kirsten and James Broonbreed I'd like to tell you that you are the best people on this board. 1 caveat, the Callahan gig is on a Wednesday and I'll probably have to get away from work early in order to make it. So there is a chance I may start calling people cunts again.
  4. Right definitely not a recent thing. I remember one of my primary school teachers going on about it all the time. Loads of lessons on it.
  5. Some good acts in that line-up. Free festival tickets definitely is very ace. Is it the ATP curated by primaverasound event you're going to?
  6. I wasn't talking about your code. I was referring to the post I quoted.
  7. Please tell me all the problems with grammar, spelling and punctuation in this are just consequences of lazy internet typing and not concentrating properly? If so please try and avoid this in the future for my benefit as that was a pain to read. If not my advice would be to do something that doesn't involve much writing.
  8. Ok since this has been bumped let's see what I think of my top 20 a year on. A lot of them I haven't listened to much this year because I lost all my music and have been slow in replacing it all. Started thinking about this year's one already. I think I'll list more than 20 this time round. 2013 has definitely been a stronger year than '12 for me.
  9. You're right on the money. I think there is a good song in there somewhere but I think it would have been best done as a novelty collaboration with Lonely Island rather than be her first single in 6(?) years. Oh man, I don't really care for Cyrus but Sky Ferreira and Icona Pop at the same show would be great.
  10. There isn't really a suitable emoticon for my initial reaction to this. Imagine this but without the light bulb bit.
  11. Actually never might have been a lie, I think I just remembered one time I got fish but it was at one of the places with a sit down resaurant as well as take away. We were sitting in so it doesn't really count in my mind. I virtually never eat any kind of fish anyway but if I am going to eat some, it should be battered and deep fried so I don't have a problem with the fish supper in theory. However for whatever reason when I am occasionally tempted by some fish and chips it seems to be in a pub rather than a chipper.
  12. Hey get this, I've never had a fish supper from a chipper. Mince Pie Supper always.
  13. Another Guardian quiz, this one is tough. Name all the winners of the golden ball at world cups. I only got 10/20. I got 4 out of the most recent five wrong which tells me this is an award I just never pay attention to. http://www.theguardian.com/football/quiz/2013/nov/12/football-quiz-world-cup-golden-ball-winners?CMP=fb_gu
  14. Put up a picture of yourself #eatnormal #neverbeafattyinthefirstplace #notbeingatwat
  15. Wait, before and after photos showing weight loss from the same day? #eatclean #protein #spicyasfuckcurry #laxative #emptied
  16. Her ideas interest me and I would like to subscribe to her newsletter.
  17. Pizza is for Fridays guys, I don't know why so many of you are getting it wrong.
  18. you'll turn into a curry if you're not careful.
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